What soapy thing have you done today?

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View attachment 35633 @Susie - sorry to hear about your event -ridden holiday. Hope all goes well for you on Friday.
@Dawni - don't leave that soap in the mould too long before cutting!
@Chris_S - funny story about the lost stick blade - ya ning-nong!

I cut my new slab-swirled soap in the evening - it was very wet and sticky due to the humidity ( yes I had gloves on!) but I think it's going to dry out OK. My sister ( my best and worst critic) thinks it look like vomit. She doesn't like a whole lotta contrasting colours together. But I do and it's MY soap. Will edit soon with a pic. I think I'll try bevelling all of these though.

What on earth is a ning nong? Ya crazy women. Just making my tea then going to go measure a few batch and depending if the cats want out despite the rain i might make some or just leave till tomorrow evening after painting. Mmmmm i may just have talked myself into making it tonight not sure ill have the energy after painting tomorrow
@Donee' soap is neither conditioning nor moisturizing. It cleans, it can be less stripping of the natural oils. You would need a leave on product for moisturizing or conditioning. Can be confusing and misleading to people.
Have to disagree with you on that one.
Soap can be highly moisturising and conditioning to the skin - the cleaning ratio is lessened and the lather is very low though.
View attachment 35633
@Dawni - don't leave that soap in the mould too long before cutting!

I cut my new slab-swirled soap in the evening - it was very wet and sticky due to the humidity ( yes I had gloves on!) but I think it's going to dry out OK. My sister ( my best and worst critic) thinks it look like vomit. She doesn't like a whole lotta contrasting colours together. But I do and it's MY soap. Will edit soon with a pic. I think I'll try bevelling all of these though.

Sisters are the worst. Before they become the best lol my sister is exactly the same. Next comes my teenager haha..

Your soap looks great, as usual :)

Mine though, despite your warning, is another story lol
What on earth is a ning nong? Ya crazy women. ...

It's Aussie/Kiwi slang for a silly billy (I think we caught it from the British ;))

From the poem: "On the Ning Nang Nong"
Written by the awesome Spike Milligan: "Silly Verse for Kids" 1959:

And in Spike's own voice: Youtube: 0Wom1OzwzLw

Soapy thing: pondered soap crystals
So today is my birthday, that's right, uh-huh, it's my birthday. My son told me he got me a subscription to a soaping magazine, I didn't even know there was such a thing or even the title yet. Can't wait for the first issue! I guess now I'm all in to this soaping world.
I want to be very careful here and not offend and I say this with a great deal of affection for my fellow soapers. But last year, I'd say to my wife, "Honey, there's entire YouTube channels devoted to this!" "Honey, you wouldn't believe how many blogs there are!" "Honey, there's a whole sub-culture I never knew existed!" "Honey, there's this forum and people have really strong opinions about percentages of coconut oil!"
Seriously, I'm always grateful for this forum and for discovering the joy of soaping. It's been a challenging year professionally with an unexpected layoff and it's been a great creative outlet to make soap -- and friends and family seem to appreciate the results. With great appreciation,
So today is my birthday, that's right, uh-huh, it's my birthday. My son told me he got me a subscription to a soaping magazine, I didn't even know there was such a thing or even the title yet. Can't wait for the first issue! I guess now I'm all in to this soaping world.
I want to be very careful here and not offend and I say this with a great deal of affection for my fellow soapers. But last year, I'd say to my wife, "Honey, there's entire YouTube channels devoted to this!" "Honey, you wouldn't believe how many blogs there are!" "Honey, there's a whole sub-culture I never knew existed!" "Honey, there's this forum and people have really strong opinions about percentages of coconut oil!"
Seriously, I'm always grateful for this forum and for discovering the joy of soaping. It's been a challenging year professionally with an unexpected layoff and it's been a great creative outlet to make soap -- and friends and family seem to appreciate the results. With great appreciation,
Happy Birthday, Zing! I hope you're having an amazing day. Isn't the soap world crazy? It's truly a wonderful addiction. Welcome to it!
Have to disagree with you on that one.
Soap can be highly moisturising and conditioning to the skin - the cleaning ratio is lessened and the lather is very low though.

With all due respect, Shunt is not a "figurehead" Staff Member and Admin here. She is a highly knowledgeable and experienced soaper, so please listen to what she is telling you.
Been getting soap molds made for my first wholesale soaps. Went to make soap and discovered that I was super low on micas, and completely out of FOs for women. So, I sent the hubs to Lone Star Candle Supply for an emergency refill of some scents, and got wooden soap molds made.

I had quite the holiday, food poisoning followed by atrial fibrillation (abnormal heart rhythm) landed me in the hospital for 5 days, and my stamina is really poor right now. I am having cardioversion (the electric shock you see on TV that follows the word "clear") on Friday. So, I am really hoping it works and I can feel like me again.
Prayers that this helps you feel better. It is horrible to feel bad
It's Aussie/Kiwi slang for a silly billy (I think we caught it from the British ;))
From the poem: "On the Ning Nang Nong"
Written by the awesome Spike Milligan: "Silly Verse for Kids" 1959:

And in Spike's own voice: Youtube: 0Wom1OzwzLw


We Americans have something similar: We call you a ding-dong. Bells ringing in the bellfry but no one's home, heh heh.
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Soapy thing today was picking up my Scientific Soapmaking book on the way home from the doctor. Flipped through it when I got home, and got a stinging reminder that my brain isn't well. :( This book is obviously going to have to wait another couple weeks. Did notice this great tidbit, though:

"... store your labeled* soaps on a curing rack and measure their weight once per week until the weight stops falling. Beyond that point the soap is considered fully cured." !!!! Simplicity itself!!! No guessing about whether the soap is cured!! :D

*by labeled, he's referring to whatever system you have for knowing which soap is which (and all the notes and information that would go along with each batch).
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Have to disagree with you on that one.
Soap can be highly moisturising and conditioning to the skin - the cleaning ratio is lessened and the lather is very low though.
Nope, soap cleans. Some soaps strip more of the natural oil from the skin than others. High CO soaps are very stripping. You may be highly superfatting but all that is doing is leaving a layer of oil on the skin and extra oil going down your drain. I superfat very low yet make gentle soap. Not moisturizing just gentle. Also my soaps lather very nicely
So today is my birthday, that's right, uh-huh, it's my birthday. My son told me he got me a subscription to a soaping magazine, I didn't even know there was such a thing or even the title yet. Can't wait for the first issue! I guess now I'm all in to this soaping world.
I want to be very careful here and not offend and I say this with a great deal of affection for my fellow soapers. But last year, I'd say to my wife, "Honey, there's entire YouTube channels devoted to this!" "Honey, you wouldn't believe how many blogs there are!" "Honey, there's a whole sub-culture I never knew existed!" "Honey, there's this forum and people have really strong opinions about percentages of coconut oil!"
Seriously, I'm always grateful for this forum and for discovering the joy of soaping. It's been a challenging year professionally with an unexpected layoff and it's been a great creative outlet to make soap -- and friends and family seem to appreciate the results. With great appreciation,

Good God, I must be blind tonight! I went up and down the last 3 pages of this thread and still missed your birthday post!! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR ZING!!!!

With all due respect, Shunt is not a "figurehead" Staff Member and Admin here. She is a highly knowledgeable and experienced soaper, so please listen to what she is telling you.
I dont recall myself calling shunt a "figurehead" at all, neither did I say anything about her knowledge or experience, I merely disagreed on her statement.
On the point that she made that soap is for cleaning only and not for conditioning or moisturing we can agree to disagree. Most, if not all, the oils/butters etc etc we use to add into our soap are for conditioning and moisturing. My soaps are very plain to look at but are medicinal and provide an external source of vitamins, minerals, conditioning and moisturising.
This would bring up the argument of wether the combination of oils is for nought or the additions are just to make pretty.
So - I shall stick to my guns with the fact that soaps are not "just for cleaning".

Nope, soap cleans. Some soaps strip more of the natural oil from the skin than others. High CO soaps are very stripping. You may be highly superfatting but all that is doing is leaving a layer of oil on the skin and extra oil going down your drain. I superfat very low yet make gentle soap. Not moisturizing just gentle. Also my soaps lather very nicely
I tried superfatting and I didnt like it either. See my reply above and this should clear up the topic or we can continue to discuss.

and so very many more
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Today is
Buchu Soap
Sutherlandia Soap (aka Kankerbos - a very old and very traditional khoi san herb used for thousands of years)
Wild dagga Soap (aka Lions tail)
THC soap

and then I want to start working on a sun screen soap - living in a land of incredibly high UV rays and having a skin that has been abused on the beach and in the bush and in the mountains - this is a personal mission. Am also popping down to my local homeopath to discuss.

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