soap on a rope

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Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2009
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anybody remember soap on a rope??

my brother and i were joking around about how they might be popular to sell at farmer's markets around a prison about 2 hours away, and I got to thinking it'd be kinda cool, just in general (not necessarily to take to Jackson State Penitentiary's local farmer market ) :lol:

what kind of rope would you even use? it'd have to be something that wouldn't wick the soap/oils up into the rope.

just curious :wink:
bramble berry does too, I think. they work great in 3-D molds..
I remember soap on a rope; been thinking about it for some gifts for Christmas. Salty, it would be great for a farmer's market but don't think prisoners would be allowed to have it.
I think it is a great idea. It is something I would like to try doing. There is the humor attached to it ya know? LMAO

what if it was a really SHORT rope? maybe just long enough to go around the wrist, to prevent droppage and then..... :lol:

this may be a stupid question, but hey, that's what i'm good at. isn't all nylon waterproof? isn't it a plastic? just curious
nope prisoners would not be able to have it because it could be used as a weapon or used to make a weapon. I do get the humor though :)