SMF January 2017 Challenge: Gradient Layer

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Galaxy, your challenge inspired me to do a gradient soap but with a swirl. Thank you for the inspiration!!!

My first try was a disaster. The new mold I was trying out is way too small for five layers of soap (at least for me). However, the top came out amazing and I am totally proud of that. I'm going to try to do another batch this afternoon based on my original idea. Maybe it will work, probably it won't. I'll try, though. Here's my disaster soap.

work in process.jpeg



Oh my gosh Teresa - those are beautiful! Maybe you can't enter it but it's not a disaster in any stretch.

You guys, I think we should post these in the photo gallery. I say that because it seems like they'll be buried and forgotten too quickly here. I will start a new thread for us there -- please please repost!
Teresa, the top is gorgeous!!! A breakthrough in the one layer does not a "disaster" make!!!

Carabou, I poured four layers of gradient (there are seven colors that slowly shift, trying to get that kind of blush into another color effect) with black in between and then swirled with a gear tie.
Teresa, I'll chime in with the chorus to say that the top is stunning. And are those ladybugs on the soap, too (it's hard to tell on my screen)? If so, it's just adds to the amazing effect.
Very nice Newbie - Love it!

Theresa - None of our attempts are wrong - They all take time and effort and sometimes maybe not what we thought we would get or what we were trying to go for but look at the top of your soap with all of those beautiful flowers and colors! Its beautiful!!

I'm going to submit mine as soon as I get it right! lmao! Maybe Im not going to get what I planned but every one of them (5) count them ..5! was a labor of love!

Good job everyone!
wow..I hang out online with some serious My favorite color for dibbles....double wow!
Newbie, that is an absolutely stunning soap! I love it.

Everyone, you are absolutely amazing. These entries are incredible and more than I could've ever come up with/fathomed.

Sorry I haven't been on as often as I would've liked. Some of you have pm'ed me and I've taken longer than I like to get back to you and I'm sorry about that. I thought I was checking here daily but I think I missed 2 full days in a row.

Edit: Theresa, they are right, that is a lovely soap top. Give yourself credit where credit is due!
Galaxy, it's been an awesome challenge. Thanks so much for your inspiration and ideas (the same goes to all of the Challenge mods: Newbie, Saponista, Lionproncess00, Sonya-m and GalaxyMLP).

I feel a little odd for having posted the non-entry thread, but I felt so compelled by the non-entries I was seeing. So I was wondering... could you guys start a non-entry thread for each of your competitions? Would that be too weird? I know when I'm not an entrant I don't pay quite as close attention to the admin thread, but I always watch the entry thread and the Photo Gallery in general. Which leads me to another question: if you posted the entry thread in the Photo Gallery (rather than Lye-based Forum) would it be open to M&P soaps too? I've never made one but there is so much talent here, it would be nice to include some of those as well.

These are just ideas and probably have some drawbacks. I will leave to you all to decide. Sorry if there was a better place to post, I just didn't know where.
This challenge is currently open to melt and pour soap. There has never been a blockade against any type of soap as far as I'm aware. It's just that most challenges don't lend themselves to MP soap. Specifically the swirling. This challenge would lend itself well to MP soap.

Those of you that work in MP soap can absolutely enter this challenge. I didn't make that clear but I was actually thinking about it when I first posted this challenge.

Brambleberry has a great one here. This one would qualify and everything (5 layers! Although I would like to see the top one a teeny bit more purple! Lol) :

ImageUploadedBySoap Making1485142832.552972.jpg
I have specifically invited M&P'er when my challenge works well with it, although not all challenges lend themselves well, to be sure. I haven't seen any entry yet with M&P but I know there was never any intent to prohibit it.

Carabou, I don't think it was odd for you to start the Photo thread but it's the kind of thing I would do without thinking much about it. Perhaps we are a couple of odd-balls. I haven't thought about putting the entry thread in Photos at all but I will shoot an email out to the challenge runners to see if there are pros or cons we hadn't considered.

Redhead, I'm glad you realize that this is for fun and not to be taken too terribly seriously. We have wanted this to be relaxed and fun and good for all levels of soapmakers. I love your entry!

PS. Thanks, Galaxy!
I didn't know this. Or I would have used M & P to make my cake. Uggg. Oh well - next time. :)

I can't imagine it coming out better. So I'm glad you were forced into CP!

Thanks hosts, for considering my ideas. I know mp wasn't implicitly excluded, and have seen specific invitations for them to join. I've just been piqued lately and am hoping to see more posts. Maybe this would help bring them in.
Thanks Newbie! I hardy ever do M & P except if I do an embed which is like never. Soaping is a hobby for me for the last 7-8 years. But its an obsessive hobby unfortunately. I always enjoy a challenge where I can be more creative. But this one didn't go the way I wanted it to. But it was a good idea nonetheless. I might have done better on the gradient with M & P as the layers would have been more controlled in the mold I was using. I used a super sloooowwww moving recipe which didnt help much when it came to solidifying a bit even though I SB between layers to thicken it. Also this was supposed to be a chocolate cake but the Cocoa Brown from Micas and More turned gray. So everything was going wrong. lol - Such is life!