Pretty sure this is going to go on everyone's "to make" list

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This is truly amazing!
What strikes me is that the credits for the secret feather swirl probably go to the girl who already invented once the "Dandelion swirl" technique, named after her!
She posted the photo of feather secret swirl early in April and perfected it since then.
And her friend from miniseifen blog also tried this method and published a video tutorial you can find here: click!

I just want to say that I don't want to fly to the moon or become a celebrity; I just want to come up with a soap swirling idea that will be named after me! :)

Absolutely agree! I've been fascinated with Dandelion's beautiful swirls for quite some time and was really happy that Claudia uploaded her video :) Btw, I gave them credit in both my blog posting and video...not trying to steal anyone's thunder...simply my interpretation of the technique :)
Absolutely agree! I've been fascinated with Dandelion's beautiful swirls for quite some time and was really happy that Claudia uploaded her video :) Btw, I gave them credit in both my blog posting and video...not trying to steal anyone's thunder...simply my interpretation of the technique :)

HandmadeinFlorida, I am a soap **** fanatic. I love looking at soap blogs to see how soapers are expressing their creativity. Your soaps are right up there with the best of them. Nice work.
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just made a batch with this technique. can't wait to see the outcome :D it was so fun to make, it was ages ago since i made a fancy soap. thank you, Zahida for the inspiration and neeners for posting about this.
OOOOH SEVEN!!!!!! this is starting to sound like a soap challenge maybe?!?!? can't wait for cut pics!!!!!

HandmadeinFlorida, I'm loving your blog, and your soaps are like art. you have a fan girl in me! (hence this post!)
I may try it tomorrow..... how thick was your hanger for the swirl? I tried a hanger swirl earlier this week that failed miserably.....
i was using a standard clothes hanger that i got from the laundry shop.. got plenty of those at home :D
just made a batch with this technique. can't wait to see the outcome :D it was so fun to make, it was ages ago since i made a fancy soap. thank you, Zahida for the inspiration and neeners for posting about this.

Awesome! So glad you gave it a try! Can't wait to see your cut soap too! That's always the most exciting part :D
OOOOH SEVEN!!!!!! this is starting to sound like a soap challenge maybe?!?!? can't wait for cut pics!!!!!

HandmadeinFlorida, I'm loving your blog, and your soaps are like art. you have a fan girl in me! (hence this post!)

Thanks so much! You guys are awesome, way to make a girl feel good :D
yes, i will post cut pics if the result is not too embarrassing :D Zahida (Handmade) has set a pretty high standard for this technique :)

Post the pics!!! Trust me, it took a few funny looking feathers before this one turned out hubby and little guy (6) thought it was an inkblot test or something and kept coming up with different things they saw in the soap...other than feathers of course ;)

I found that using a thicker "hanger" worked well and gave more definition to this particular swirl...

In any event, soaping is always an adventure and never predictable!

P.S. I made the "hanger" tool myself...$4 total for a 2 ft piece of metal piping (copper - reactive in general - but doesn't get in direct contact with my soap) and plastic tubing to go over it...soooooooo much easier to manage than a hanger (imho)...hope this helps!
I'm in awe of the folks who come up with these cool techniques! This is next on my list to try . . . probably tomorrow! Just scheming my color and scent combos now. How do you guys think this might turn out with a black background instead of white?
I'm in awe of the folks who come up with these cool techniques! This is next on my list to try . . . probably tomorrow! Just scheming my color and scent combos now. How do you guys think this might turn out with a black background instead of white?

Go for it, I think it would look amazing!
Bah! I think I botched it by trying a variation on this. Why? Why do I do that? And I don't want to gel so I have to sit and wait on it. I'll probably end up freezing it after it sets so I can take a slice off the end and see what the devil I managed to do. It's going to kill me.
In the freezer. I got bamboozled by false trace, I think. THe soap is soft but slowly setting up. I am pretty certain it will be soap but it will not have good texture. As soon as I can I'll pull it out and slice a bar or two and post a pic.
mine is not ready to unmold. i just did a quick peek, and the sides are still a tad wet. i can't wait to cut it :D
Tried this one as well. Concerned how it will turn out because as my soap batter got thicker in the mixing bowls it started to rice :( but I was near the end of pouring so the top was a little chunky looking. I'll post a pic tomorrow regardless of how poopy it is going to look.

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