Oh. Em. Gee! (CUT PIC ADDED)

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2009
Reaction score
Southeast Michigan
I think I might have actually pulled off some semblence of a freakin' SWIRL!!!! It was way dark to take pics in the saponatorium, and it totally isn't showing up in the pic, but....dig ME! YAAAY!!!! I kinda did it!!! :D

Cut it!!! CUT IT!!!! :lol:

I got a FAAAAAHHHHBULOUS swirl on Tomato Leaf the other day. Then, my camera died. :(
Vinca Leaf said:
Cut it!!! CUT IT!!!! :lol:

I got a FAAAAAHHHHBULOUS swirl on Tomato Leaf the other day. Then, my camera died. :(

Oh a likely story!!! (Hee!) You better be drawing us a picture then! LOL!
LJA that is absolutely gorgeous srsly , swirling challenged my @$$ ha! or is it that new slab mold :wink: Well done ( applause emoticon).

Kitn said:
LJA that is absolutely gorgeous srsly , swirling challenged my @$$ ha! or is it that new slab mold :wink: Well done ( applause emoticon).


Yeah, that's the Mr. LJA Special! :) I've never tried this kind of swirl before and I did learn a few things already. The first thing being that pouring from my dollar store, biga$$, limp plastic, spouted bowls isn't the best thing...lol. (Shut up, it's all I had), and I'd probably start pouring at a slightly thicker trace. I did it at a real thin one and I might have gotten a better "drag". Too fun! I love learning new stuff. :D :D Thanx, Krissy and everyone.
OMG! That is soooo pretty. I can't wait to see the cut pics. Way to go!
oh yum! that reminds me of the top of a strawberry cheesecake only much prettier, well done I bet you're more than excited lol I would be too.

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