my early adventures in soap making(pics added)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2009
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This week has been my first in soapmaking. Monday I did my first and first was a little disappointed in it(color) but it actually set up and came out pretty nice. It is still a light tan but smells very nice and already is pretty hard. My second batch on weds I made a green tea and rose and ysed pink clay for coloring and came out a mauve. I infused some dried rose buds in the oil and then put some in the mix at trace. First was a little soft, set up okay but not sure if I like the brown flowers in the soap, will admit it smells heavenly. My third soap made friday night, a lemon tart scent. It took a bit longer to come to trace but came out a creamy yellow, I gave it a pretty swirl and thought I would like it without a gel. Well it gelled just partially and it seems like the gel is repairing it self and I think it will be a nice soap when done.
Today I'm trying a autumn like soap I'm sure I will learn something as well from this soap today.
Busy girl!!! dON'T FORGET THE PICS! oops caps lock somehow
I will be posting pics later today. I did not make the autumn soap but made something called gingerbread latte by back woods. It smells awesome, like coffee loaded with cinnamon. It turned a nice caramel brown. It's still in the mold so soon as I remove it I will take pics.
I'm sorry no pics yet. I can't find the camera. Anyways. Lst sunday made a gingerbread latte from back woods and came out beautiful now a dark brown. Yesterday I think made my first flop. I ran out of lard so I used the soap calc and reajusted and now having oil splotches in the soap in various areas.. I used a lilac fragrance though. It did not zap me. Should I toss it? Rebatch attempt to hardprocess? Just cure and see what happens?
Here was my recipe
olive oil 30%
castor 10%
palm 20%
coconut 30%
apricot kernal 10%
I'm going to be making another batch today of a grapefruit/black raspberry scent. I was kinda bummed by last nights flop but got some lard this morning and will rework this recipe. I'm not sure where i went wrong.
You have a lot of "water drinking" ingredients.
Hope you didn't discount the water too much.
On that recipe, I wouldn't go less than about 36%
MAY be the problem -- ya never know with soap!

I'd re-batch it if it has oil splotches -- add a tiny bit of water and
remelt it
I kept the water at 38%, but who knows. I'm going to rebatch it later and see what happens.
You have plenty of water then, don't add more when you re-batch.
Good luck -- let me know how it comes out.
I crock potted the soap. It was so thick, but beat the heck out of it and it's in the deep freeze. So we will see if the rebatch worked, I did add some water about a cup or so to try to thin it.
I did make another soap a grapefruit/black raspberry with buttermilk. It looks great I think and even tried my first swirl. It kinda looks like a raspberry blondie. I threw the mold in the frezer to keep it from gelling and cooking the buttermilk.
here is a pic, just camera phone. My 6th attempt of cold process soap.
My rebatched soap came out pretty good. Kinda looks like an off white soap now, but very usuable.
Today I made a pumpkin spice soap and a vanilla sandlewood for the dh. I'm expermenting in swirling right now. I do a nice swirl on top, but i need to find a better way to get it throughout the soap.
I really love back woods products. Try the lemon tart and the coconut curry!
The coconut/curry smells a bit strong oob. I just soaped it yesterday and right now my dh is just loving it and wanting to use it. It kinda smells indian or oriental but not overpowering. Reminds me of the beach. My oldest dd who does not like a flowery scent really likes it but I see it as a mans scent.
The lemon is Wow! It made my kitchen smell like lemon pie for days. A bit stronger than a lemon verbena. IT's tart and sweet at the same time, definitely a ladies scent.

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