my earliest soaps have finally cured/aged properly!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2011
Reaction score
Victoria, Australia
hi everyone,

i joined the forum a little over a month ago, and in my introductory post i said i had been disappointed with my soaps. disappointed in that they seemed like "just soap", nothing special about them. well it turns out they just needed a little longer to cure.

about a week after my first post, i noticed my soap felt a lot nicer in the shower. i looked at the dates and it turned out my soap was close to 4 months old. it now felt so creamy, soft, silky and luxurious on my skin! the recipe was 77% olive, 18% coconut, 5% avocado.

i tried another of my soaps the other day that had just past 4 months of age. so disappointed! i could sense the similarity, but it just wasn't as good. the recipe was 55% olive, 27% rice bran, 18% coconut.

i'm guessing the lower percentage of olive spoiled it for me. i looked at rice bran's numbers on soapcalc, it's a harder and less conditioning oil than olive... and when combined with the coconut, which is obviously much much harder and far less conditioning than the both of them, there just wasn't enough olive for my liking. would you more experienced soapers agree?

so based on my (limited) experience so far, i'm thinking i'm going to like soaps with a lot of olive!

i have another batch which will reach 4 months of age in a week. it has no olive in it whatsoever, so it will be interesting to see how that feels.
Cool beans! You just experienced reality of time being your soap's best friend. :) And also how different amounts and types of oils can affect the feel and performance of your soap. Now is when formulating gets really fun (and addicting!). :lol:

IrishLass :)
thanks for the response irishlass! yes i am excited for the rest of my soaps to come of age, to see how they feel. i also look forward to finding the perfect recipe (if it exists!)