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Active Member
Oct 21, 2012
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England. UK.
Hello, i have been looking around for some proper soap making moulds. So far i have used cheap tupperware type plastic moulds which have been ok, but give quite a shallow rectangular bar, if the makes sense. However looking online i can't seem to find plastic or silicon moulds that are for a large loaf of soap whichwhich will be sliced into bars. Do you all used wooden moulds? I am in the UK btw.
Have you tried Bebe's Collection? Theye are based in Taiwan, but they do international orders and they have lots of silicone loaf-type molds. I know of many soapers that have ordered from him: ... ld-togmold

I also did a cursory search for UK-based mold/mould suppliers and there sure doesn't seem to be much in the way of what you're looking for. Also- I don't know if this helps, but during my search, I ran into this thread on a UK-based business forum. The title of the thread was entitled "Where are these guys getting it from?" :lol: It was in regards to soap molds/moulds and there are some UK suppliers that were mentioned in the thread: ... 40751.html

I clicked on some of the suupliers mentioned on there and they didn't have silicone loaf molds/moulds, but I wonder if you were to contact one of the companies, that they would be able to point you in the right direction?

IrishLass :)
Not quite the same as a loaf mo(u)ld, but I'm a confirmed PVC pipe soaper. Cheap, convenient, makes for some super-uniform "bars" (discs? pucks?). Very easy to insulate, which is a huge factor this time of year...

Hi and thanks for your responses, I will check amazon out. I had just been googling soap equipment suppliers andthey don;'t seem to have what I am after. Also had not considered the pipe solution but may give it a go - do you slice them in half for easy removal or have a technique for removing the soap from a 'whole' pipe?
Lottee said:
Hi and thanks for your responses, I will check amazon out. I had just been googling soap equipment suppliers andthey don;'t seem to have what I am after. Also had not considered the pipe solution but may give it a go - do you slice them in half for easy removal or have a technique for removing the soap from a 'whole' pipe?

I make sure the soap is good and set-up... Then I take the pipe outside, orient it vertically, and drop it on the pavement a few times from about a foot up. If that doesn't jar the soap loose (you can tell b/c it will drop a bit within the mold, at which point it can easily be pushed out), I toss it in the fridge and try again once it's frozen solid.

I used to try to ram-rod the soap out with a thinner length of pvc with a capped end; this tends to smush the soap a bit and cause more drag between the soap and the mold. The dropping method I have outlined above shakes it out more reliably, with less deformation. (No deformation, really.) I have been tempted to split the pipe, but I think this would make the pipe difficult to reuse without using a lot of duct-tape. Even then, it might be leakier than I'd like.

When it's all said and done, I have a 23.5" long, 3" diameter rod of soap, which I cut into pieces about 1.25" thick. I use 24" lengths of 3" pvc pipe, which is filled almost perfectly by a 70oz of oils (by weight) with a 5% superfat and a 33% h2o by weight (relative to weight of oils.) I tweak it down a bit if I'm adding other stuff at trace. Don't know if that'll help you any, unless you also end up using a 24" length of 3" pvc. I can heartily recommend the 3" diameter stuff; the puck fits most adult palms rather nicely.


PS- all measurements above are in standard Yankee units of measure. Sorry. :oops:
Hi Rob,

That's REALLY helpful thanks! I think my next experiment will be with the pipe mould! Seems like it will be easier than getting the loaf mounds i want, just a quick trip to the diy shop. I know how much liquid quantity my soap recipe makes so can easily work it out from there. Thanks again

Let me add a second recommendation for the bebecollection molds. Richard is great to work with, he ships quickly and I got my molds from him faster than some domestic shipments. The loaf molds are reasonably priced and good quality. Very sturdy.