lye heavy-

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2012
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I did something I never do. I did not wash my lye container and made another batch in it. I noticed larger clumps of dried lye on top of the lye water when I poured it in my oils. I made 8lbs of soap and from that made two types of soap each 4lbs. One of the types the patchouli, litsea and lavender soap with calendula on top had white "active" lye on about 4 bars of the soap. I zap tested the other batch in multiple places and no zap. Can I still use the bars that have with no white active lye? or should I rebatch? The other 4lbs of soap is totally fine- no zapping . Any suggestions on what to do ?
ps. if I rebatch I was not going to add any more oils as I think the soap is balanced but the larger pcs of lye settled for some reason in the soap. Thought about cutting out the active lye (which is not too much) and just cooking the soap more... ideas?
Also, wanted to add that I just made this soap yesterday...Will waiting a bit neutralize it more?
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If you're dealing with clumps of lye then I would toss it or rebatch the whole batch. There could be hidden clumps in other bars and lye does make nice painful holes on skin (learned this early on). If you rebatch I would probably add a little liquid and stir well. The other option is to use it for laundry soap.
Anna Marie
I would probably discard it. Rebatching won't dissolve the lye from what I've read in previous posts at it won't dissolve in oils. I wouldn't use this soap even if you can't see lye bits as it can be further inside the soap. Depending on your superfat you could possibly use it for laundry.