Loaf Molds out of Styrofoam

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2010
Reaction score
North Texas
Has anyone ever tried making loaf Molds out of Styrofoam?

I have the coolest hot wire styrofoam cutter, and I was thinking I could just use toothpicks to "nail" it together, and it would easily come apart to get the soap out.

Then I thought that maybe the soap would get too hot and melt the foam. I don't want a gooey mess. I know FO's wreak havoc on styrofoam cups, but would they be strong enough to ruin the foam once they are mixed with the soap?

I'm skeptical that it's styrofoam is compatible with lye or fragrance. Maybe if you use some 2 sided tape and cover it with plastic wrap?

I also doubt that nailing it together with toothpicks will hold... I'd use packing or duct tape.
i would think that if the FO is strong enough to eat through styrofoam, lye certainly would. i have plastic cups that can't even stand up to a diluted FO, i don't think i would even attempt styrofoam. test it out though, dip a small piece of styrofoam in traced soap and see what happens. just watch out for those fumes!! burning styro is no good.
By the way, I am planning to line the mold.

Great idea of dipping styrofoam in traced soap to see if there is a reaction. I would have never thought of that. Thanks.

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