Instantaneous Hardening!

Soapmaking Forum

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Unsolicited legal advice is R-U-D-E.
We are not your personal paid consultants. All information shared here is given freely. Use it or don’t use it. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you…

First and foremost, this community forum is about sharing information that leads to improved knowledge of soap making. Caution flags go up when an individual posts questions based on what seems like less than a complete understanding of their methods and ingredients, or the legal implications of linking ingredients with health benefits. While an individual may jump in once to ask for advice, a thread is permanent. Regardless of what you do or do not know, anyone reading this thread in the future now knows that there are legal implications of claiming a health benefit for soap and safety issues associated with using sensitizing essential oils in soap. The community keeps the greater good at the forefront, as it should.

edited to correct some typos
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😂 @ undercover soap makers.

I don’t see it as rude to try to warn someone they’ll be breaking a law, I see that as helpful.
I second that! When I started making plain old soap without fragrances and dyes/colorants, I was considering selling because that is exactly the kind of soap that is hard to find. Then I stumbled across this awesome forum (for a totally different question) and ended up finding so much more (like the legal advice that affects soap makers who make claims). If I ever decide to sell, I think I will have a general disclaimer posted that it is the responsibility of the buyer to do their own research on the ingredients listed for each bar, so I don't make any claims "in writing" 😉
@Shelley D -- No need to disclaim; really it's not necessary. The key thing is to not make claims.

People can read the ingredients label and if they have a particular interest in an ingredient, they'll decide accordingly. If they don't care -- and I's say most don't -- they'll make a decision to buy mainly on fragrance. And if it's for a gift, they might also decide to buy based on the soap's decorative appearance.