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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2012
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Then what do you soap making addicts do with all the extra soap?! I love making soap, but if I make soap as much as I want to (ideally twice a week for CP and a 2lb batch of M&P in between the CP days) I'd have to have a warehouse to store it all! I give PLENTY away as gifts, and still have tons left over for our personal use.

So lets hear it, what do you do with all of your soapy creations if you don't sell them?
Rewards for people on my team :) Along with canned goodies, fresh garden veggies, etc. Generally if I give it away people are happy to get it. I have gained a certain reputation around my work!

Soap, canned treats and baked goods will be Christmas this year! In addition to fruit infused vodka!
If you get stuck with loads that you don't plan to use, you could always look for a local shelter or other charity to donate excess soap ..... We have a shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic abuse.

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I agree with lsg. I have a couple of small molds that make 4 bars each. If I have too much soap inventoried, I make small batches and experiment with color, swirls, other techniques. It satisfies my creativity and fits within my storage limits.

I also soap more in the season leading up to Christmas, for obvious reasons.
Yeah, I decided to invest in silicone loaf molds and decided to buy two 1lb molds for exactly this reason lol. Better late than never :think:

I LOVE the idea of donating to the local woman & children shelter, we do have one in town, maybe I should look into that. I could ask for an average number of ppl they have there and perhaps since I don't have time to really volunteer I could give back to my community that way. THANKS!!!
I give it away to EVERYONE! All of my friends and family will receive some (more) for Christmas and on the first weekend of December I'm hosting a luncheon/wrapping party where all of my friends, neighbors, and family can come over.. Wrap and bag soaps in pretty paper to give away as gifts.. and make an optional donation to the "TVivian" addiction fund.

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If I made soap as much as I would like I'd be sleeping outdoors and using my bedroom as a storage area. (Un)luckily several factors usually keep me from doing that. The primary one being that I don't really have the funds to make an awful lot of soap. The other being that I'd have to clean up more than I really want to in order to do it, lol.

I do give away soap as Xmas gifts but other than that I just build up my own personal supply. I'm always so jealous when people speak of friends and family that love to get their soap as gifts and ask for more because mine couldn't care less lol

Oh, and I do make my own laundry soap so any bits or batches that I don't like for whatever reason get shredded down. I now hate commercial soap.
I give a lot to our local food bank. Until my mother in law started helping out there I didn't know they also gave other household items.
lol. everyone has a surplus it seems, and here I am, barely making enough. and I make 4lb batches on a fairly decent interval. usually goes out to my family though. theres 13 of us in this house. so it gets used quick enough
I give my extras out to anybody and everybody in my neighborhood.

I'm taking a big box of soap to my coworkers today. They have been very patient about listening to me babble endlessly about soap, so this is their reward!
I'm taking a big box of soap to my coworkers today. They have been very patient about listening to me babble endlessly about soap, so this is their reward!

I took some to my work the other day too. One gal seemed a little skeptical, but she came back the next day and raved how much she loved it. "Just little more lavender next time, please." Shucks, guess I'll have to make some more!
I try to find ways to display some of my soaps. It inexplicably calms me. My mother-in-law recently gave me a "berry basket" for rinsing our blueberry and raspberry harvests. I took one look and knew it was getting loaded with soap and placed in my bathroom. Now I'm on the lookout for other things like this so I can have a stash in every room. The trick will be to make them blend in so well that no one says, "uh, why do you have soap in the living room??"
Food banks and shelters are great. Don't forget Clean the World. There is a sticky thread about it if you are not familiar. Also if your community has group homes, recovery centers, etc.
Great reminder, Ruthie. I finally did take all of the unopened Dove bars I had to a local shelter, along with some surplus gloves, hats and warm socks. Next time I'll be sure to share handmade soap!

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