I did it! First batch made~

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2009
Reaction score
Lake Ontario, NY
I finally bit my tongue, quit being a baby(scared to death of the lye, lol!!!) and made my first batch of soap!
75% OO
25% CO
No additives

Everything seemed to work fine, temps did great even though I realized my thermometer starts at 120 :oops: too late. Looks good enough to eat!
You can't tell from this pic but I used one of my husbands cigar boxes.

Before I unmold the soap I'll take another pic.

I'm so excited!!! Finger crossed it will cure correctly!

Welcome to a new addiction!! First batch or two is a little overwhelming. Am on my 7th batch and dying with so many things I want to try with more batches. Like swirls, more color , additives, molds, different oils !

Enjoy! The hard part is the wait for it to cure. Next week will get to use my first soap made. So anxious!!! Looks like you did great!
Congratulations! It looks creamy and wonderful, and it should cure just fine. It may take a couple of weeks longer to reach full cure with that much olive oil, but you should be rewarded by some truly wonderful soap.

Don't worry about the thermometer......just feel your lye pitcher and soap pot with the back of your hand. Once they're just barely warm, you're set to go. :)
It looks great! Congrats on your first batch.

I have completed two batches and I'm about ready to start the third. I can already tell how addicting it will be. I agree with pp that the hard part is waiting. I can't wait to try out my first soap.
Isn't it just a cool feeling to complete your first batch. There's nothing like the first cut. Can't wait to see your creation!
Great first batch! is your family ready for your new addiction? you will be addicted if you do any more batches!!
Congrats!! Yes, you'll see the word "addiction" alot here and it really is true!! My hubby actually has fell in love with soap too though and helped me make a batch the other night :lol: Now he always asks me "any soap to be made honey?...I'll help :)" He's so cute! Congrats again on your first batch and it looks great!!
Thanks everyone!!!

I keep looking at it, and can't wait to cut it tomorrow.

Don't worry- I'll have pics up as soon as I get the bars cut!

I am already planning my next batch to make on Saturday- another small one but maybe colors this time, or EO- I do have some lavender here....

or maybe I will just make another basic recipe and get in some more practice.

Oh boy, I know what I'm giving for Christmas this year!!!!

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