Help! I am scared! Got soap batter on my hair!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2017
Reaction score
Texas, USA
You may ask, and just how did she manage that one .... well I was tapping my mold, and I guess I tapped it too hard. My table is high for my height, so I think a little drop when on my hair. A couple to my arms, but I was wearing long sleeves, as I should....

Is my hair burn? Will it fall off? I am totally freaking out.

Did you rinse it right away with plenty of water? Did any get on your scalp?

I actually had a drop of soap get on my hair once, too. Nothing happened. It didn't even bleach it. (I have had raw soap bleach stains out of my apron once. I was quite surprised at how effective it is at stain removal.)
“You know,' he said, sitting back, reflectively, 'it's at times like this that you kind of wonder if it's worth worrying about the fabric of space-time and the causal integrity of the multidimensional probability matrix and the potential collapse of all waveforms in the Whole Sort of General Mish Mash and all that sort of stuff that's been bugging me.”
Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

Or, to quote a better quote: Don't panic :mrgreen:

A wipe-down with plain water if there's a lot to remove, then rinse under running water (or wash your hair) if you are terribly concerned. Finish with a vinegar rinse if you are worried about settling the hair fibres back down.

You'll be fine.
At the risk of sounding like an overly fastidious, paranoid freak...I take a bath after soaping. In fairness, I am a hobbyist and don't soap on a daily basis or make numerous batches at once...which might be more annoying. However, there was someone on here a couple of years ago that showed photos of an atrociously painful-looking lye burn on her hand that occurred because she was unaware of a tear in her glove. Oddly enough, no one realized that it was a lye burn until she had seen more than one doctor. That scared the s&*# out of me.

Most people wouldn't consider me a scatterbrain, but only because I know I am and have developed defensive habits against it. I check my pockets compulsively to ensure that I have my wallet, phone, and keys. It's not that I don't forget them...I just notice that they are missing quickly enough that they never actually get left behind. Every time my god-child went in his car seat, I took my left shoe off for fear of unconscionably screwing up.

I detailed my ridiculously persnickety soaping routine in a thread earlier this month. When I saw those lye burn photos, I added "Jump in the bath/shower" to my already anal-retentive soaping regimen. My logic is that even if there was a micro-tear in a glove or batter that splattered on my hair, a bath or shower would offer plenty of dilution.
I've actually dropped my braid into soap batter. Usually I don't let it hang loose, but wrap it around into a bun before I start soaping. But once I forgot and of course the end dipped right into the soap batter. Luckily it didn't get drenched or even drippy. And I was more concerned about spreading soap batter from the braid to my clothes or skin than any damage to my hair. A little rinse with water, a dry with a towel and I secured it so it couldn't fall forward again and all was good.

That was a time I definitely showered and washed my hair after soaping.
Thank you all! I was actually done when this happened, and I also shower after I soap, and I washed my hair and used lots of water. Well I shower after everything, so thank goodness for oil loving home made soap.

I was just freaking out. But I seem ok, not even red? Weird. But happy about that.
I once lifted my stick blender a bit too much when mixing a batch and batter splashed onto my lip. Instinctively I licked the batter off and immediately ran to rinse my mouth out.... but I learned why they call it a zap test. I had a bad taste in my mouth for three days but I think that was mostly paranoia.
I splattered soap batter everywhere last weekend, and I mean everywhere. Tiny little droplets were on my counter, the toaster, my scale... I even found a drop sitting on my toenail later long after I cleaned up.

My toenail is fine.

It reminds me to always be careful and that's why I wear a full face mask when I work with batter from the introduction of the lye to oils till I've completed every last dish. Obviously I don't always wear closed toe shoes though.

I do always take a shower after I've soaped too as I have had my forearms start itching after soap making and it freaked me out so now I just think it's a good practice.

I also remember vividly the picture of our fellow soapers hand after not being aware of a tear in her gloves, I also remember the soaper who got a splatter in her eye and how close she was to losing sight in it.
“You know,' he said, sitting back, reflectively, 'it's at times like this that you kind of wonder if it's worth worrying about the fabric of space-time and the causal integrity of the multidimensional probability matrix and the potential collapse of all waveforms in the Whole Sort of General Mish Mash and all that sort of stuff that's been bugging me.”
Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

Or, to quote a better quote: Don't panic :mrgreen:

If only she'd had her towel handy.
I love all the stories, guess I am not alone ....I have come across all types of people in my life. In person, on line, etc. I have traveled extensively, and I can say with no doubt that the soaping community here are some of the nicest and best folks I have ever met.

Always willing to help and share their knowledge. Probably same questions gets ask a gazillion times, and there is always someone willing to come and answer. Thank you all for being there!


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