Help. Do I need insurance!!

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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
I was wondering if anyone in the UK had indemnity insurance? I'm wondering if I need it and if so does anyone have a recommendation?
Did I spell the recom... right?

I'd be grateful for any suggestions.

hi Fiona b,
I'm in the Irish Republic so I'd imagine that the same regulations apply throughout the EU.
I will be joining some markets for the first time this summer. One of the first questions they asked when I sent in my application was if I had indemnity insurance. Basically, I won't be allowed in without it.
I don't think it's a legal requirement but most markets here insist on it, so that they themselves are covered in the event of your product having an adverse affect on a customer.
A number of shops stock my soaps and they never asked for it.
sorry I can't be any more help.
Hi there!

Yes you will need insurance, and it'll cost about £60 ish a year. Do you already have an SA? Coz you need one of those too. If you don't they are £150-300 (one time only expense) depending upon who you go to and what it covers.

Good luck!