Got my first package

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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2013
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Oh man Im more excited now than I was before in getting started in this hobby. I just received my first of two packages I ordered. This was from Wellington. I got my metal tin which I am going to use to test a shaving soap. I got my 8oz bottle of Armani Code FO, which smells amazing by the way, and I got my 8oz of Titanium Dioxide. Just need to wait for my other package to arrive tomorrow and I will be about done getting my bits and pieces together. :)
I wish I could order so much that I could forget what I order and when I will be getting it, but im so in tune to where my packages are and I prepare myself for when I go home and see a package waiting for me. I still get that Christmas-y feeling though when I open it. I'm like a I just need to build a mold or two, I have a great mold idea that ill be sure to post pics of when I build it. ;)

The funny thing is, my wife just told me last night "Mom (my wife's mom) says that this is a hobby for you that she likes and cant wait to see what you do. Then I told her "guess what everyone is getting for Christmas?"" lol I guess Im on the hook now. Now I have to deliver and be sure to not let them
Thank you very much. Glad to join. It would seem that when you start having even interest in this hobby that you by default will find yourself quickly in BBA (Bath & Body Anonymous)
Crazy8 - I'm the exact same way. My boyfriend thinks I'm crazy for tracking my UPS/FedEx packages multiple times a day...
IT CAME!!! IT CAME!!! MY SECOND PACKAGE CAME!!! A whole day early even. When my wife saw me grab it from the front door, I was acting so much like a kid with a Christmas gift that my wife started laughing. The great thing is that BrambleBerry does the little freebees in their orders and I got a sample of the "Shave & Haircut" FO. What makes this so perfect is that I am going to be making a shaving soap. Now this wont be enough unless I cut the recipe way down, which I probably should do anyway, but regardless I got to smell it and it would be PERFECT in a shaving soap. It smells great. Well all I need to do now is get my log mold built and some 3" PVC tubing. I think the PVC will happen first though. OH I CANT WAIT!!!
I LOVE getting packages delivered! Its seriously like a habit. Whats funny is when my hubby brings it in and he gets all excited....."What did we get??!!" Then we all sit around smelling FOs. YUm-O!
Yeah it is kind of a habit. I love buying stuff too. My wife hates it when I buy stuff. Yeah when I got the package on the counter and had knife in hand I was saying "Oooooooh I cant wait to see what I" :D Well Ill get cracking as soon as I can.

"Ummm hello. My name is Wayne, and Im a buying stuff and package receiving addict."
Wayne you're cracking me up! Funny thing is, I get irritable when I run out of supplys.:D

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I have a confession to make. I was feigning so bad to make something tonight that I broke down and did. I didn't even have to use any of my new supplies yet. :) See, days ago I had prepared delicious smelling double brewed french vanilla Dunkin Donuts coffee ice cubes. So that way when I would relapse and make my coffee soap I would already have cubes ready for the lye to melt. Well I made a small batch of nice looking and great smelling coffee soap. It has been 30 minutes since my last batch. That stuff thickened up FAST. I brought it to thick trace which took maybe 5 minutes or so, then added the 1tbsp of coffee grounds and pour it into my small corning dish I got just to use for a soap mold. It wasn't even in the mold for 5 minutes and already I can tip it at a 45 degree angle and nothing moves. Will be great to see what this stuff ends up like after its cured.
Can't wait to see the pics, Crazy8!
This thread reminds me of waiting for my very first soapy shipment to arrive. After 2 weeks of waiting, I was sooo excited on the day it was to arrive that I left work early, thinking I'd finally be able to make some soap! Alas, it was not to be...I came home to an empty porch; and after checking online I saw that the package made it to the local UPS station where it was damaged :( , and it was shipped back to Brambleberry to be replaced!! I'm not ashamed to admit that I just sat down and cried...I was so pitiful that my sweet husband sent me flowers the next day, LOL! As I type this now, I realize how ridiculous it sounds, but I'm pretty sure y'all understand :)
At least BB put a rush on the replacement package, but it still took another week for it to get to me.
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"Ummm hello. My name is Wayne, and Im a buying stuff and package receiving addict."

My sister worked for UPS for a bit packing trucks and mentioned to the driver that did my area that I order stuff online ALL of the time. He asked what road I lived on and when she told him, he said "Oh yeah! The ______ residence!" She and I don't have the same last name, THAT is

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