Fragrance problems

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Sep 23, 2009
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So, I’ve been looking for a really nice green type fragrance. I tried tall grass from Peak...nice, but it smelled more like hay than green grass. Yesterday, I tried Green Clover & Aloe from Common Scents. Smells okay, but boy did it move fast. I use a cold process goat milk recipe that always turns out great. The main problem with this is the poured like applesauce and unmolded with a rough orange peel look. I’m wondering if it would be worth trying to rebatch. Would it be just as rough? Is there anyway to smooth this out, or should I just write it off. Is a texture change part of the soap seizing or is this something else?
Thanks, Jan.
I can't be of any help on your soap issue, other than to say rebatching sucks.

The Fresh Cut Grass from WSP is the most intense green smell you could imagine. Just like grass, very bright smelling. Almost too intense but if you want green this is it. I colored it with parsley powder, it didn't seize up at all.
it's calld "ricing" and is a kind of acceleration-thing. if you rebatch you may smooth that out if it's still very fresh (add just a splash of water at most, or milk). but I've only had one rebatch turn out anywhere near what I like since I'm all about smoooooooooooth.

ricing can be minimized, like acceleration, by soaping cool and wearing a tinfoil hat. and sometimes it can even be "stickblended into submission" - i.e., smoothed out with a SB - but that can cause it to thicken up really fast too.

soaping is like buying a fixer-upper house. you never know what you are getting until you are in the middle of it, never quite sure if the "fix" is worth the investment, but still - it's fun.
Thanks everyone. I had never seen this before and had no idea what I was looking at. Knowing is so much better than wondering! I will definitely try the Fresh Cut Green Grass from WSP. The couple of times that I have tried to rebatch, the end result wasn't pretty...I tend to use my soap mistakes myself...and that box was getting really, if it's not too terrible, I'll try to use it. Sixteen bars...Looks like I'll have mistake soap for a long time! :) Jan.