DO NOT drop your red mica!!!

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Nov 16, 2018
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Hamilton, New Zealand
EDIT: I’m generally NOT a clumsy person. This is a sign that I’m stressed. Dropped my red mica off the side of the kitchen bench. Some of it end up on the overhead cupboards on the other side of the kitchen! Looks like there’s been a bloody murder.
Surprisingly, there’s still well over half the little 50g pot left, so it wasn’t much, but boy, that stuff makes a mess. It’s even in the drawer that was left open.
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It had to be red. Wow.

I'd start with the easy stuff, the surfaces that can be blitzed with spray and paper towels. Hopefully you can get to it before it "sets," I don't know how badly mica stains tho.

With regards to the clothing, I've got LOTS of experience with clothing disasters. Get a 5 gallon bucket, detergent, bring your clothes, head to your bath/shower. Spray off whatever you can with your shower head (hopefully it's a hosed one). Soak your clothes with detergent in the bucket, repeat spray tomorrow. Hopefully it'll all be gone with that, at least you don't have a stink to contend with!

If there's a body associated with this....I know a guy.
It's actually a green apple, so no :)
I too laughed out loud when I reached the last photo. Laughter heals & was a wonderful addition to my otherwise laugh free morning. Then I had to scroll back to look for the apple 🍎. THAT apple 🍏 was GREEN?!!! OH MY! I’m… speechless 😶
Oh, Honey!! So sorry. It looks like a blood bath crime scene! The photos just kept going and going, where does it all end?! Yikes-kers. Are you done with cleanup? Is there someone else to blame?

You gave me flashbacks to the Christmas Eve when Mrs. Zing dropped a pot of chili on the floor that went everywhere including the ceiling and in any and every even slightly open drawer and cupboard. We were up cleaning well past midnight.

Good luck!
Eeeep, poor thing! You have my deepest sympathy as I have done this myself! (flashbacks...:eek:)
My soapy area also looked like the perfect crime scene from CSI...

Red mica is probably the worst thing to clean up in my book, it leaves a pink tinge to everything white. When I did it I used rubbing alcohol (sprayed on directly on the surface) after I first wiped of the spills with soaked old rags and soapy water. It seemed that the rubbing alcohol managed to lift the rest of the pigment up and off from the surface. But YMMV of course!
Mrs. Zing dropped a pot of chili on the floor that went everywhere including the ceiling and in any and every even slightly open drawer and cupboard. We were up cleaning well past midnight.

Was that the first time your signature expression came up perhaps?🤪

I can imagine your lady expressed frustration and feelings of "let us never repeat a disaster like this" and you went Darn tootin'!
I am so sorry Kiwi I hope you get it off your floors and counters, red mica is one of the worst offenders when it comes to cleaning. When you are already stressed then something like this happens it is horrendous, but thank goodness the entire pot did not go. When I have had mica spills I vacuum up what I can to hopefully spread less. Take your clothes outside and shake them well then I would wash them separately since there is a large amount of mica on them and will probably stain what is in the washer with them. You might just end up with tye-dyed soaping clothes. Good luck with your cleanup.
Oh Kiwi I'm so sorry this happened to you! Alcohol is great for the hard surfaces but I don't know about your clothes. I did get a kick out of your post though 🤣
OMG I feel so sorry for you. Knock wood I have not had it happen to me, but I worry about it every time I use mica.

Worst I had was when soaping with a friend who managed to wipe out a small (luckily) container of FO all over my went as far as the dining area, but not on the ceiling! Thank goodness. Itw as summer and we had all the windows open so the scent was not as noticeable after 24 hours AND all the cloths and wipes were either laundered twice or tossed out.
I once dropped a container of yellow mica waiting to be mixed with batch oil onto the floor. It was only 2 teaspoons but it gained momentum on its way to the floor and reached every crack and crevice it could find. I'm still cleaning it out of hidden places.
PS... does your paper towel holder also dispense plastic wrap!?!?!?! I really need one of those!
Oh no! And it had to be red. One of those pictures looks like bullet holes on the wall Lol.

Lots of rubbing alcohol and paper towels. I would be inclined to throw away the clothes though lol.
Yes I’m thinking I might. I would be really annoyed if it ruined all my other laundry until the end of time.