Dental Soap

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I've never heard of it until now,.
I don't know about it, interesting to see if anyone else has actually used it. I personally don't like the taste of soap. I have made peppermint soap and tasted it, and don't like the taste, I imagine it would be the same.
It is not particularly tasty to me either. I was thinking of adding stevia to the soap to sweeten it.
The testimonials of those who use it got my attention. I know people buy Dr Bronners peppermint soap to brush their teeth with because I worked in a health food store years ago.
I have been using shreds from one of my unscented soaps for the last week and most of the tartar is gone from my teeth. Also it is true about not having morning breath any more.
i think id much rather use a tooth powder (which is darn easy to make)... EO +baking soda +sifter =tooth paste (with water), or tooth powder (without water)

i feel like that soap taste would just be aaagh... even with the stevia... i dont care how much sugar you add to it lol bleeeghk

but thats just my opinion (and i have brushed my teeth with soap before)... desperate occasions call for desperate measures ;)
Stevia worked with the liquid version but it didn't make it through the soap making process for the soap chips. I used organic oils and whatever taste there was the oil of peppermint covered it.
Maria said:
I have been using shreds from one of my unscented soaps for the last week and most of the tartar is gone from my teeth. Also it is true about not having morning breath any more.

Wow, that's great.

I looooove coffee.

I not only enjoy the robust flavour, I use the ghastly napalm after breath to drive off vampires & parking meter attendants etc.

Now maybe I can soap my napalm breath into submission & get a couple kisses off my wife before the vampires eat me...
Wow, I've never heard of anyone using soap on their teeth before other than when they were kids and got their mouth washed with soap for saying bad words. Hmm... not sure if I wanna try that but I think will just to see how it works.
I've never heard of soap actually being used to clean teeth. My only encounter with that is when I was younger my mom made me use liquid hand soap to "brush the bad words" out of my mouth. It was ghastly.

Makes me hesitant to use this, but if they offer free trials I'm up for anything new.
Please don't be so gullible! I have been in Dentistry for 48 years!!!!

All you really need to clean your teeth is a tootbrush and dental floss!
That's right...not all the fancy dancy products that cost a fortune and don't do anything more than make your mouth taste better...that is it.
Even tooth paste is not necessary. You need to mechanically clean your teeth not chemically clean them! If you are worried about or suffer with hallitosis brush your tongue and get a tounge scrapper!!

The bacterial (spores) that cause all the decay and periodontal problems take 36 hours to develope...if you brush and floss and rinse/flush your mouth with copious amounts of water (you need to flush away all the debis you just brushed and flossed and loosened in your mouth ). All the other stuff is fluff!!

Mary Lou
mlj said:
Please don't be so gullible! I have been in Dentistry for 48 years!!!!

All you really need to clean your teeth is a tootbrush and dental floss!
That's right...not all the fancy dancy products that cost a fortune and don't do anything more than make your mouth taste better...that is it.
Even tooth paste is not necessary. You need to mechanically clean your teeth not chemically clean them! If you are worried about or suffer with hallitosis brush your tongue and get a tounge scrapper!!

The bacterial (spores) that cause all the decay and periodontal problems take 36 hours to develope...if you brush and floss and rinse/flush your mouth with copious amounts of water (you need to flush away all the debis you just brushed and flossed and loosened in your mouth ). All the other stuff is fluff!!

Mary Lou

I thought so!!!! lol.... its just mainstream commercialism brainwashing us into thinking we need something we dont!!! HAHAAAAAAAAA!

on another note....

I totally feel you two on getting your mouth washed out... I cringe at the thought of clear glycerine raspberry soap.... UGH

I cant get the taste out of my mouth to this day...
lol... I still can't look at a bar of Irish Spring without cringing. *shudders*

I decided to go ahead and try this. I used a plain olive bar of soap. Didn't really have a bad taste that I noticed which I was worried about but I'm not sure how clean my teeth got. I'll try it a few more days and see how it goes.

Is there any particular blend of soap that works the best on cleaning teeth? Or just any plain soap works as well as another?
The two companies and one online type of business I came across who currently sell a dental soap post coconut oil, palm oil and olive oil as ingredients or olive oil alone. The flavors were peppermint, clove or cinnamin essential oils.
My first attempt was organic coconut oil, palm oil and olive oil flavored with oil of peppermint. It is extremely sudsy and tastes of peppermint.
The inspiration for the tooth soap seems to have come from this:

He's is right that bacteria is not the problem. If it was, you wouldn't find teeth in skeletons. Acid is the problem and soap is alkaline. Once the acid is neutralized, the teeth can remineralize from minerals in the diet.

It may not taste as nice as regular toothpaste but it is cheap and after a week or so of using, much of the tartar is gone. Beats paying someone to scrape it off. It is a matter of time before I come up with a tasty version.
I don't know where it went but there used to be a thread on here from way back, about tooth soap.....hmmmm....

Anyway, I've made it. 90% OO, 10% Castor. flavored with Peppermint and Orange EOs. I swirled some cocoa powder in there too, but it didn't do anything but color...can't taste it.

I have since taken this well cured soap, for it lost most of it's flavor, and used a recipe I found online somewhere...shredded it up, warmed it up, worked in some more EOs and baking it's actually a tooth-soap-PASTE I keep in a babyfood jar!

I like the taste of it....much better than some toothpastes and mouth washes I've used (i have this pre-brushing whitening rinse that is the nastiest tasting crap ever! I'm about to pitch it after using it like 3 times...yuck! tastes like peroxide?). Also, it (soap) rinses quickly and after taste or slimey film in my mouth after brushing. (what was that anyway?...every time I'd brush with toothpaste and rinsed several times, 15 min later I could always finger-scrape this SLIME off my gums and teeth??)

I added the baking soda to the paste because that was my one complaint about using just the soap, it didn't do anything for stains (from coffee, tea, cigarettes, etc.).

Oh, and my first dental checkup AFTER using soap only for several months the dentist commented on how there was barely any tarter buildup since the last cleaning(9mo. prior)......that's NEVER happened to me before... But to be completely honest, I had also quit smoking like 3-4 weeks before this checkup, that probably had something to do with it.

I think everyone should give toothsoap a try....just remember these few rules:
1- Don't use glycerin soap (!)
2- Don't use a soap with fragrance oils (that peppermint someone tried could very well have been a FO and not EO) FRAGRANCE OILS DO NOT TASTE GOOD!
3- Give it an honest least a get used to the difference. It IS different, but IMHO, BETTER than toothpaste for me and the environment!

And the 4th thing, though not a "rule" is I heard soap made with coconut or palm is what makes it very sudsy and gives it that "soap" taste, which turns a lot of people off from tooth soap....that's why I stuck with the olive oil (and the castor to help keep it from being too slimey).
mlj said:
Please don't be so gullible! I have been in Dentistry for 48 years!!!!

All you really need to clean your teeth is a tootbrush and dental floss!

The bacterial (spores) that cause all the decay and periodontal problems take 36 hours to develope...

Mary Lou

Care to explain the cause of morning breath then?

I agree with much of what you've said, (brush & floss is good enough) but if flouride in toothpaste is a scam, then why do you dental professionals sell flouride treatments? Is the American Dental Society a bunch of crooks or are they too stupid to see a scam when they see one?
I have no idea. I hot processed the batch I made so far. Haven't had time to look into further. Making Valentine soaps has taxed my limited creativity. They made their debut at the local green market this morning.
Sorry to interrupt; but I spoke about toothsoap some time ago with my friend & her dad (both the best dentists ever). They said let to whole world use it; we'll be glad to have more costumers, as long as you stay on your own toothpaste :lol:
She pointed out that good toothpaste really has stuff in it that helps keep your teeth & gums healthy. :wink:
Everybody their own thing though of course.
The valentine soaps? I haven't quite figured out how to post pictures on a forum. My husband took some of the table after we set up this morning. I will upload them to my computer and try. If I can't figure out how to post, I will upload to one of my websites and link to them.
The dental soap works great. The tartar is gone from my teeth and they are no longer sensitive. Maybe it is not for everyone but what is in toothpaste is not for me.

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