Bath Salt Confusion

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Mar 14, 2012
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Hi Everyone! Hope you all are doing well today! I have a question for you as I don't know what to do.

We currently sell all different types of bath salts. Regular, Foaming, Fizzing, etc.. and make a good profit with them.

But my son (who is 25 and also my partner) told me today that with all of the conflicts going on surrounding the 'Bath Salt' issue and people using them for drugs, he said that he would rather we stopped selling them altogether.

I did read about a couple that owned a legitamite B&B business and they ended up getting arrested due to the sales with their bath salts. Now, I don't know the whole story behind it but according to them and their lawyer, they didn't do anything wrong or anything different then what they've always done.

What are your thoughts on the subject? I told my son that I wanted to continue selling them but I don't know 'that' much about them. I was shocked the first time that I googles 'buy bath salts'! I wanted to go in and price check some things and lo and behold, other 'bath salt' information came up!

Before I make any decisions, I wanted to check with you all since most of you are so experienced. Thank you much in advance!
I'm very sorry if I put this in the wrong category. I wasn't sure where to place it.
I feel like if you want to keep selling then keep doing so. Lye is used to make meth, but just because we buy lye doesn't mean we're meth heads. One size does not fit all. I mean, hell, rubber cement is used to get high via sniffing and I don't see Elmer's stopping production on it. If people want to get high, they will find a way. Stopping sales of bath salts just means the druggies will move on to another product/way of getting their high.
Thanks Vanessa, that was the way that I was looking at it too and tried explaining it in that way to my son. I just wanted another opinion so I knew if my thought process was in the right place, so I really appreciate you giving me your opinion on it. Have a wonderful afternoon!
I say, if you want to continue selling them, sell them.

What people are using to get high aren't really bath salts. It was something completely different that they were just calling bath salts.
Bath salts (the illegal kind) are completely different from salts you use in the tub. They arent salts at all, as far as I know, just drugs designed to look similar for ease of transporting and selling. I do see how many people have been confused on the issue, my mom called me asking because I make salts as well. I'm not sure about ppl owning a business getting arrested, it was either a mistake or they were using it as a cover, but your completely fine to just continue what your doing.

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