batches from Last Weekend.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2011
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Autumn Leaves (NG Cracklin Birch)


Jade (NG Jade FO)

NG Manly Man - Need a name for this one...
They look great. Looks like you're well on your way to reaching your goal to make soaps good enough to keep you in goat feed.
Oh thank you, thank you.

I like "Not for sissies"... I want a name that is not too country but manly... I think I am going with Mountain Meadow... What do you think?

I love the autumn leaves myself. I was very happy when I cut into the log to see the design. It's funny because I used a skewer to swirl and it didn't do anything.... I think I need to go to a Popsicle stick..

BTW - the base colors are oxides and the swirls are mica's from coastal scents.
Ruth, those goats must be producing lots of milk. Love them all, I hope you show them what you make with their milk :lol: .
Relle - If I did they would want to eat the soap. :)....

The two I was milking did awesome this year. I am letting them dry up for the fall breeding so I am working out of the freezer now. I will run out of milk before next spring but that will give me a chance to experiment with other liquids...

Next year I will need a bigger freezer :)
With these gorgeous soaps your sales will be having your goats well fed for sure :0). I so remember having a goat as a child and it snuck into an old shed we had............In that shed was a chair and the seat would lift up on it and the goat got in there and slept. Well the first time this happened I just couldn't find her and broke my heart thinking she had run off (she was only young :0) )..................after many hours of searching I heard her bleating lol and found her tucked up in the storage area under the seat of this chair :0). I loved that goat.................might need to go rural and have a few goats to make soap with. I am researching lotion at the moment as would love to make a nice goatsmilk lotion to compliment the soap :0)