Aussies - Re: Nicnas News

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Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2008
Reaction score
Newcastle, NSW, Australia
A very knowledgable Aussie Soaper over at another forum very kindly posted this information. I have just copied and pasted.
Apologies to those that have already read this.
This is good news for us Aussies! Nicnas have never even entertained the idea of any discussion/variation to their fees structure. For them to be open to suggestions is a huge leap!

today i spoke to NICNAS and was helpfully offered the information that they are actually in the process of reviewing this price

sometime shortly after May17 there will go up on their web site a link to *a discussion on the cost recovery process*.
i understand that this will be asking for discussion on this issue ...........which is of course close to our hearts

it is suggested that we keep our eyes out from that date for that link and read and react as we think fit

sounds more hopeful than past bits of information in that i understand that discussions have taken place and the idea of smaller producers paying less has been given some traction

we will see

so please spread the word .
i was side tracked so didnt have time to push for further info really

here is hoping
Thanks for sharing that Chrissy! Have been wondering what was happening on that front. Perhaps a blitz on pollies might be an idea over the next couple months too,keep it on the agenda.