Why didn't this work?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2009
Reaction score
SE Minnesota
Last week I made the prettiest soap, but part of it didn't work. It is a 2 layer soap. I poured some of the soap from the first layer into a mold and grated it to be added to the second layer. I did that two days after the first layer.

Here's the part that didn't work. Most of the grated pieces don't show in the top layer. They must have dissolved. Was I supposed to use soap that had completed cured to add as color dots in the second layer, or was it that the color is not deep enough, or????

I poured about half of the second layer at medium to thick trace, added a bunch of grated pieces, then gently poured on top and added the topping. I expected green flecks throughout the top layer.

Your thoughts would be appreciated very much.

With all that said, I just love it anyway! It is eucalyptus on the bottom, and peppermint and spearmint on the top and it smells divine!


No help as far as what went wrong, but I had to say that is some lovely soap!
Your grated pieces may have melted into the 2nd layer of soap.

Soap looks great though!
Stacie, that soap is divine! Were your gratings very fine? Being so fresh and if they were fine too may have contributed to them melting in. Next time try chopping it or using a hand held cheese slicer to make soap curls...?

Tanya :)
Nice soap!

I've grated very fresh soap (2-3 days) into new soap, and it has shown up OK. I've done it with a grater as well as with a carrot peeler. How much did you use?
Thanks for all of your ideas. The second photo of the soap as a loaf shows the topping a little better. That topping is more of the same cheese grater curls that I put into the layer. I think that you are all right and that they melted. Funny, I didn't let it gel in my attempt to avoid that. Oh well, I do love that soap anyway.

By the way, the soap was inspired by surf girl's pretty in pink from last week - thanks for the great inspiration!
