Where to start with Extremely Sensitive Skinned Baby

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Jan 24, 2011
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We had my 5 month old baby at the Dr yesterday. We've been having a few problems with things reacting on her skin.... soaps, lotions, etc. I'm to the point I just use cotton cloths and water on her bottom when I change her. Then I was given a lovely new organic hand cream for christmas.... which I will apparently no longer be using do to her rather angry skin reaction to me simply touching her face with it on my hands. Think huge reddish purple sore welt on her poor cheek :cry: . Plain water will be ok for now but soon she will be moving around and getting dirty. So I'm toying with the idea of making homemade soaps, lotions etc so I can control what is in everything she comes into contact with... which leads to my question. What are some of the most gentle ingedients? And which recipes would you start testing on her with? It will be a matter of trial and error at this point as we have not yet been able to narrow down what she is reacting to. I would love some suggestions by you seasoned soapmakers. :D
Can I ask if she's breast or formula fed? Sometimes something she's eating can make her skin extra reactive.

I have hyper sensitive kids as well so I know what a pain it it not only to see them miserable but trying to find products to work. Mine don't react to Ivory so that's what I've been using.

I'm not sure what I'd start with to test allergies. If you knew, it would be easier because it takes so long for the soap to cure. I'd probably try an all lard soap(because most people aren't allergic to pig fat, but lots are to many vegetable/plant products) with nothing added, if no reaction try soaps with one new ingredient added at a time, like olive oil, if no reaction, add oatmeal, etc.
A basic lard only recipe should be a good place to start. If you know for sure that other oils won't make her react, you can add those too, same with oatmeal and goats milk. No scents of course, but plain soap smells good, I like it.

Besides that, if you're eating any nuts, dairy, wheat, corn, chocolate, citrus, etc, you might try eliminating those from your diet, give the change a months or more and see if it helps her at all. I couldn't eat dairy, corn, citrus or chocolate for 5 years with my last 2 kids (4 kids total, all exclusively breastfed)... the things we do for our kids... ;)
can you massage oil into her skin without her reacting? maybe use oil and massage it into her skin then use a warm wet wash cloth to remove the oil. kind of a variation on the Oil Cleansing Method.

i also recommend the lard soap if you want to try making soap. very simple and nice bar of soap.

i really hope your baby feels better, it is awful when you cant fix what is troubling them
Poor bubba. :( I would try using Extra Virgin Olive Oil for cleaning her up at the moment and just plain water. You can use your breast milk on her rashes to clear them up.

Why don't you purchase some hand made soap to try before launching in to making your own. That would be a short cut to working out what works and what doesn't. :wink:
I would personally try a tiny bit of unscented olive oil soap on a small patch of her skin, before anything else, if it seems olive oil doesn't bother her. And if that works, then I might move on to making my own soap.
Use rolled oats in her bath to cleanse & sooth. I cut up stockings, place a few handfuls of oats in & tie up. The ball lasts for a few baths & leaves irritated skin a bit calmer.
tasha said:
I would personally try a tiny bit of unscented olive oil soap on a small patch of her skin, before anything else, if it seems olive oil doesn't bother her. And if that works, then I might move on to making my own soap.
soapbuddy said:
tasha said:
I would personally try a tiny bit of unscented olive oil soap on a small patch of her skin, before anything else, if it seems olive oil doesn't bother her. And if that works, then I might move on to making my own soap.

I also recommend this. I'm not sure where you're from, but there is a brand called Kiss My Face that sells a 100% olive oil soap. It's marketed as facial soap, but you can use it for whatever. They carry it at a few regular grocery stores & the Whole Foods near me.
If the baby doesn't react to OO. I would make an Castile soap made with Breast milk. I made one for my baby too...
I would stay away from using soap just now since her skin is so reactive at the moment, what you need is try to decrease inflammatory response of her body by using anti-inflammatory oils such as infused calendula oil with some evening primrose oil using jojoba oil or EOO if you like as a carrier oil, it is ok to just use oil and water to cleanse skin, later on you can start with a plain soap as suggested above, my suggestion would be organic EVOO trying to avoid extra chemicals in the fats used to make the soap. As suggested by Amy you need to watch what you eat as it is passed onto the milk, make sure your diet is rich in essential fatty acids as these are anti-inflammatory modulators. :wink:
I have a granddaughter whose skin is also sensitive although not as reactive as the original poster. She also has eczema. I made her a castille with breast milk. Are you able to use baby wipes on her bottom to clean her up? If so, use some to clean the rest of her. I don't think babies need baths every day.
I agree with earlier posts regarding olive oil to wipe her down and maybe an unscented 100% Castille soap to follow. My oldest daughter, who was exclusively breastfed, had a lot of allergies when she was a baby. Thankfully she outgrew most of them. She was prone to eczema and rashes from eating and from topical use. Oats and lanolin were two of the big culprits. I wish I had been making homemade soap then! And she still has sensitive skin which is why I started making my own soap recently.

If you want to buy a good handcrafted 100% olive oil soap, I recommend that you look on the etsy site. Lots of reputable soapmakers to be found there.

Good luck with your baby!

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