What is a good recipe for septic tank friendly hand soap?

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Jerry S

Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
Southern California
:) I live in the country, and alas don’t have a sewer system like city people. Having a septic tank, one always has on ones mind not to put anything down the drain which might gum things up. All of my laundry water goes out into my yard and is used to water my fruit trees..lol..no the fruit doesn’t taste like soap.
I like making my own hand soap but am of the old school using mostly lard and occasion ally will add coconut oil, and olive oil. We don’t throw much of this down the drain for fear it will hurt the septic. Does anyone have any savy on what soap ingredients are most friendly to a septic system.
We have a septic system and never had problems with the soap stopping up the drains.
i always scrape my stuff real good before washing, but i would think natural soap is better than store bought for septic?

We're on septic as well and I have found that it's best, after mixing up your batch and pouring it in the mold, to just let the equipment sit overnight before cleaning. (I know, it's a pain having that stuff sitting on your counter ...) This way, the "soap" on the equipment saponifies and, by the time you're cleaning up, you're merely putting soap down the drain -- plus you have built-in soap with which to clean the equipment.

Otherwise, you will have to wipe the equipment with paper towels right after mixing and before washing up so that the unsaponified oils won't clog your pipes and muck up your septic filters (if you have the filter-type).
I've been on septic for the 8 years I've been making soap, and it's been ok with handmade soap.

One problem I did have was with washing the oils' containers in the basement sink....it gummed up the pump which shoots the water upstairs to the main floor. Hubby took it all apart and cleaned it. Such language!

I switched to washing the oil jugs upstairs.

Then when the concrete septic in ground was finished, done....cuz of detergents (used for clothes washing and dishwater) and we had to replace it, we added a second greywater septic tank.

I would worry more about putting detergents into your septic than the handmade soap suds.

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