What do you use to cut your CP soaps?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2013
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Out of curiosity, what do you all use to cut your soaps with? I know many of you use an actual soap cutter. . . any other things?

I use a kitchen scraper. I don't know where I saw this being done, and I thought it seemed like the right tool for the job.
I juat cut my first batch of soap with a large kitchen knife. In no way was it even straight cutting but oh well haha.
I have a cutting jig that my brother in law made for me and I use my kitchen knife. The cuts are relatively straight, but I long for the day that I can get an actual cutter.
I had been using a kitchen scraper. Then my husband bought me a miter box which came today, but I was sad to find out it was 3/4" and not 1" inch cuts, as I prefer. And it's not returnable, and is my own fault for not reading the product description thoroughly. So now I feel bad that my husband bought this for me and I will probably never use it, because I am so freaking picky. :sad: I am hoping we can bend the metal on the end and then I will just bump it up against a wall or something.
Haha! Paintguru!! Alway Chuck Norris. He can cut anything with super precision.

All of you, thank you! It is hard to get a straight cut. Even when I use a ruler (which I always do, now), it still gets off. But, I kind of like the rustic look of a hand cut bar, at the moment. I'm sure, down the road, an actual cutter will be awesome.

Cursive!! That is SO sad!! What a pity! i hope you are able to bend the metal! I understand your pickiness. Less than an inch is a bit of a disappointment.
I was using a knife until I got a cutter that worked, well, at least works better :) I can't cut straight even with my cutter, but I don't have one of the fancy ones.
I use a ruler, a drywall knife, and my eyeball. A few of the cuts come out straight; most don't. Most importantly: I don't care. Most folks don't seem to care about the cut; I suspect some imperfections sort of reassure folks that the soap is, indeed, handmade. :???:
First soap was with a kitchen knife. Not so straight. Bought one of those stainless cutting mitre boxes and still not straight. Oh well, it's handmade :)
Kitchen/Dough scraper until my cutter comes in :D I'm more than fine with using my miter box for soap for the house, but I HATE even giving away bars that are wider on one side or the other or that are top heavy. Just , ugh, no, I'm way too OCD to sell many soaps like that for long.
I have a miter box I bought at a hardware store that I use with a giant putty knife (6" I think). Even using the miter box somehow I still get crooked soap! Gah. One day I'm going to buy myself a soap cutter. Maybe not the tank but one of the hobby ones...
I found a bread cutter at the thrift store. It is basically a cutting board with sides that have slits (like a mitre). I use a large knife that is used for chopping vegetables.
I have a dough scraper and a wavy cutter...and I agree that the wavy cutter makes for better lather, but my soap stamp looks better on the smooth bars. One thing that I HATE about the dough scraper is how my soap sometimes sticks to it and leaves marks!!
Last week I showed the DH a pic of a wire soap cutter on Etsy and asked if he could make me one (he makes all my log molds) and he said no problem! He flipped out when he saw the Etsy price ($139)...so I told him to get busy. :)
If his cutter works well, I'll post pics of it and the cut soap. Maybe I can talk him into selling them on Etsy with a steep discount for SMF members?!
I have a tank for cutting logs, and my slab molds have the slits cut where to cut the bars, so I use a large soap cutter. I just ordered some log molds that have a cutting space in the molds. (ok... it is late, I should be in bed so excuse any typos! ) They just shipped today (squwee) and I can hardly wait to get them--hopefully monday!
I've been using my mitre box to cut my soap for years and years. They are not always perfect, but close enough for me. I did recently make the change as far as my blade, when I went from a saw to a dough cutter. The saw leaves teeth marks on the soap.