Weird scary thing last night

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Jun 8, 2020
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I am a night owl by nature, plus i am not usually home from work until 12:30-1:00 in the morning. So weekends are not much different for me, its just my regular sleep schedule.

Anyway, i was sitting at the dining room table at 4:30am and somebody started pounding on the front door. I have a ring doorbell so i answered “can i help you?”. No reply. I reviewed to timeline and theres no video of anybody at the door, BUT it caught a small black car dropping somebody off at my front lawn about 20 minutes prior.. I think whoever knocked must have done so intentionally outside of the cameras field of view.

I have a dog, but she is 100% deaf, so she didnt hear it. But my cat did so i know im not crazy.

I have an alarm, and a panic button that will set off a silent alarm, and video camera in the house, and my baby girl named glock ;). Plus my hurricane shutters are still up from the last storm. My house is pretty secure, but im still freaked out.
Freaky. You were so smart not to answer the door... and to have that Glock nearby. With your storm shutters up, and normally you being asleep during parts of the day, I wonder if they were just checking to see if the house was occupied before potentially breaking in. And then they left when they heard your voice?
Yikes! I'd be freaked out, too! I agree with AliOop. With your storm shutters still up, I'm betting it was someone nefarious on a scouting mission to find an easy house to rob. I also agree you were very smart speak out a query instead of opening the door....and to have that Glock nearby....... as well as all those cameras and alarms. I'm very glad you are nothing happened and that you are safe!

IrishLass :)
An acquaintance lives next door to a bar. The bar had live music in their outdoor seating area between the bar's building and her place. She went over to listen for awhile and get a drink. When she went back to her house, she bent the rules a little bit by slipping around a barricade, rather than leaving bar property using the public entrance/exit.

A little bit later, she's cooking supper, and a bunch of people from a wedding party who were at the bar casually walked in her (unlocked) back door and started wandering through her kitchen. She asked them what they were doing there, and they said they thought her place was part of the bar's property. She's real laid back, so she said something to the effect of "No, not really, but you're welcome to hang out for awhile." And they did.

I just shook my head. Only in small town Iowa. Having lived in Kansas City for over a decade, I would have been a lot less welcoming to strangers wandering into my kitchen.
I had a similar situation. My husband sometimes works the night shift so I stay home alone. One night someone rang the doorbell, it was 2:35. I decided to just ignore it, but immediately someone called a second time. We have a light on the porch every night, but this time it wasn't there, and I didn't see if anyone was there. I immediately called my husband and told him about it. When he arrived, no one was there. It's been a long time since then but every night when I was home alone I felt anxious. On Canada Pharmacy I read that you need to forget about it, don`t take it too seriously, and if the anxiety doesn`t disappear then take medication to reduce it. I decided to try and buy these medications. When I start to worry a lot, I take these medications and I really feel better.
Well this happened over a month ago and i havent thought about it since. No meds needed here. I have lived alone for a long time and my house is pretty much fort knoxx lol. I know where all my “weapons” and panic buttons are in the house. Plus one of my bedrooms has a silent alarm if you open the door, and a motion detector if someone came in from the outside. Basically, if somebody managed to get into the house, all i need to do is be able to turn the doorknob and push the door open if i couldnt get to a panic button. My back screen door has a 10 second delay on the alarm. If i were forced into my house via the front door, and forced to shut the alarm off, i can use a shut off code that will also set of a silent alarm and they wont call first, just dispatch 911.

Sounds paranoid, but it gives me peace of mind living alone. I am originally from Philly, so i am used to living in a not so nice neighborhood.

Somebody pounding on my front door while evading the cameras outside freaked me out for a minute. I live in a pretty safe neighborhood, but you never know. Times are weird these days.
@Catscankim I like how you have it all planned out - very smart!
I used to have xfinity. Basically it was a kid/expert that came in and put sensors where they thought you needed them. Now i have a totally customisable system. You can start out with their cheapest system and upgrade or customize it as you can afford too...just keep adding on.

10 seconds is a very short time even if you know how to shut it off quickly lol. Ask me how i know lol. But that one is only active ...usually...if i am home in bed or away. That back door was activated one night while i was an hour away at work. I actually had a friend there before the police, who sent him away and then they called it a false alarm. Just because you didnt catch someone doesnt make it a false alarm. Somebody needed to open the door to activate the alarm. But, i was happy for the short 10 the time someone got to my slider from the screen door, it probably already scared them off cause the alarm is LOUD