Using dried herbs: good or bad

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Jan 27, 2019
Reaction score
New Jersey
I think dried herbs and flowers look lovely in soap, and the loofa pieces for exfoliation is a good idea, but isn’t there a concern about cleaning the herbs out of the sink and shower? Can’t they clog or block drains?
It would probably depend on how much you use... Also, as far as I know, most herbs turn brown in CP soap (including flowers, except calendula), so it might look less lovely than intended. I have heard people using shredded loofa as an exfoliant; those pieces seem pretty small so that should be no problem.
Ditto what Atiz said^^^. Dried herbs and flowers sure do look pretty in a new bar of soap, but unfortunately, their beauty is short-lived....they end up turning an unsightly brown which many say resemble mouse turds. And there's also the messy factor of them getting all over the floor of the shower and sink, not to mention them sticking to your skin. Instead of adding dried herbs to my soaps for their aesthetic value, I often add 'soap confetti' instead...grated soap flakes that resemble an herbaceous look.

IrishLass :)
I've used dried calendula which kept its colour and everything....although wait, that was in M&P, not CP. I've also used coffee grounds, which might be a bit rough for some people but I liked them. Also, ground oatmeal and hops. I've not noticed the ground oatmeal mucking things up, but the coffee definitely leaves little bits in the shower. I just kick them down the drain ;-)
I used dried rosemary in an earlier batch. I think I probably used too much - about a tablespoon PPO. It doesn't;t look much when the bars are new, but when they're half used they look a bit yucky. It is a nice hand soap though - creamy bar with nice lather, and quite scrubby with all that rosemary. It just looks like a dog's breakfast is all.
Thanks for responding everyone. Because of the complications with the herbs, I just never thought them to be a good idea to use in soap. But before today, I had yet to see anyone mention those herbs get on the floor and sticking to the skin. I would think that would be a turn off for customers. Grated soap flakes is a great idea.

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