uh oh...i think i did a booboo

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Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
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i made HP in a crock pot. i used 14 oz OO and 10 oz cocnut with 3.5 lye and 9 oz water. i subbed instant coffee for the water and added it to the lye. my soap started out all right, it traced really slowly and then once it was reasy i put the top on the crock pot and went to put the kids to bed. i came back to it and there was a thick layer of oil sitting on top of this thick waxy looking stuff on the bottom of the crock pot. i mixed it together until it was thick and creamy and left it for more than an hour. it started to cook but never really made the island disapper. it also started to look like it was drying out really bad on top. it had these pieces that are thick and look like done soap crust. i went ahead and mixed it again and did a zap test. i didnt feel anything so i molded. then on a whim i did the zap test again and this time i got a faint zap. i put the mold i am using(metal) into the oven and put it on 200. do you think this will fix my little zap? i have some left over soap that didnt fit into my mold that i was thinking will just have to sit on a counter because the mold is thin plastic. if i leave the plastic molded on out to dry and then let it cure will it be ok?

ps, i put in a few drops of cinnamon EO and it smells so good!
I started off rebatching in a crockpot and found that it was too hot and I was getting those dry spots too.

I am now using a lidded corningware dish and putting that in the oven for a few hours. It's been working really well! Maybe you could try the oven next time and see if you like it.
It should be fine. Not all recipes will go through all the different stages of Hp. You putting it in the oven at 200 should finish it on out. As for the one in the plastic mold, just set it aside for a couple of weeks and it should be fine. FYI, the best way to know when the soap is finished is when it looks like vaseline.

Sounds like you got some separation in the beginning and stick blended it back together, and thats fine...it can happen sometimes. I have found with HP that if you bring it to a very thick trace (like thickened pudding) it is less likely to separate duing the cook, but then again, it depends on the recipe and what liquid was used.
thank you! i licked the one from the oven and it seemed fine. i will try to unmold it in the morning and finish it off.

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