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When I first started making soap, it took about 20 minutes of stirring to bring my soap to trace. Now it happens within 5 minutes. What I discovered with using a stick blender is that you can over blend your soap.
You are correct. I use the stick blender just enough to mix all of the ingredients well. Another issue with too much stick blending is it can cause air bubbles in your soaps.
... and others report it's expensive having to replace their stick blenders due to motor burnout.

I love my stick blender and don't have it on for long. Instead I use a mix of it on and then stirring with it while it's off, for a faster production of yummie soap!
I love my stickblender and would hate to be without it. I used to soap without one when I first started soaping, but the moment I soaped with one and saw what it could do, there was no going back.

I just use a cheapie Hamilton Beach stickblender. In my 5 years of soaping, I'm still using the same one I bought at the beginning. I thankfully haven't needed to replace it yet. It's longevity may have something to do with the fact that my batches are on the small side-mostly 2.5 lbs at a time and sometimes 4 lbs and the rare 1 pounder- and I don't use mine the entire soaping session. I just use it when my batter needs a little nudge or to mix certain ingredients in more thoroughly. I pretty much do it in the same manner as Dragonkaz- brief intermittant spurts with it on and then stirring with it off for faster production.

Re: air bubbles. You can avoid air bubbles by keeping the stickblender flush to the bottom and up the sides of your pot when you have it on. It works really well to keep those bubbles at bay.

IrishLass :)
My stickblender is a hamilton beach and i love it. I thought it was too powerful at first because itll stick to the bottom of my pot. I could probably lift it up with 2 lbs of soap in it, but Ill just assume that for now! Now that ive made lots of batches I realize it keeps all the air out. I too usually blend with it on for no more than 20-25 secs. Hand stir with it and repeat. Supah Dupah smoooove soap!
I tend to use a whisk much more often than the SB. So many FOs are accelerators that I find the whisk works fine. If I get a stubborn batch, I'll break out the SB, but it doesn't happen often.
I am very tempted to get a stick blender! I just made a batch yesterday, and I used a whisk and I thought my arm would drop off! It took almost 30mins b4 I could see very light trace! I mixed for 10mins, rest for abt 5, then mixed for another 10... Is this how it should be done? I'm very inexperienced, and was taught I had to mix for 10 and rest for 5 and continue tht way until trace. The only thing stopping me from getting a stick blender is I can't find one in the shops where I live!
It took me ages to get trace years ago without a stick blender, can't do without one now. See if you can order one on line, it will save you heaps of time and you'll want to make more soap as it makes it so much easier.
NancyRogers said:
I tend to use a whisk much more often than the SB. So many FOs are accelerators that I find the whisk works fine. If I get a stubborn batch, I'll break out the SB, but it doesn't happen often.

Yep that's me, too!
Here's a tip from the new guy: There's no need to spend good money on a brand new stick blender! I picked mine up at a thrift store (Value Village) for $5.99. They've usually got at least three or four of them there, so if/when this one burns out, I'll be heading back for my next one. :D