Three new soaps

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2014
Reaction score
SF Bay Area, CA
First one is a superlye faux-castile. I deliberately used color-morphing micas just to confirm what they'll do. Scented with a 50/50 blend of WSP's Spring Rain and Ocean Rain.

Second one is my first soap from a masterbatch. Tried to do a drop swirl colored with vanilla extract... You can see how well that worked out for me. One pic is just after cutting, the other is most of a week later. Scented with a 2:1 blend of WSP's Love Spell and Ocean Water (respectively).

Third is my first attempt at a hanger swirl. It still accelerated like crazy, even though nothing about it would have indicated that it would. Scented with NGC's Magic Potion.








Definetely a huge batches of soap! I really like the colours in the third one too.
Thanks all! :D

Rowan--I really should cut them into two logs when I use the tissue box mold. lol It's twice the size of the crafter's choice mold, which is the one I used from the love spell/ocean water soap.

snappyllama--I was entirely surprised when I saw them! This baby accelerated like crazy. I couldn't fully stir in the colors (it was supposed to be three solid colors), and it was even stiffer than mashed potatoes when I was trying to hanger swirl it. I was convinced that my efforts with the hanger were entirely in vain!
The tan bars is the Vanilla Extract drop swirl? Can you smell the VE? Still pretty bars.
No scent in that one. I only used a very small bit of extract (less than 3g on a 610g oil batch), because I was afraid of the alcohol causing the soap to seize.

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