theraputic grade?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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maybe silly question.
where does it tell you if your essential oils are therapeutic grade? I buy most of mine from NDA. I looked at the warnings sheet, but didn't find anything there. Ive not been bothered as I make cp soap. however am using the oils in my mop water and thinking of making "vicks".
There is no standard for "therapeutic grade" for essential oils, there's really no such thing. It is marketing garbage invented by multi-level marketing companies.

NDA is to my knowledge a reputable company and I would be confident that their oils are high quality.
There is no standard for "therapeutic grade" for essential oils, there's really no such thing. It is marketing garbage invented by multi-level marketing companies.

NDA is to my knowledge a reputable company and I would be confident that their oils are high quality.

Straight up mad dog marketing mantras is right. Corporate piffle... If all bottles were labeled therapeutic grade that means that every essential oil is inherently therapeutic, even the toxic ones.

To be therapeutic implies it is pure or can trascend purity too? ie DPG/water/filler/alcohol, 3% dilutions? :clap: The purity aspect can be important though in many cases. If you distill your own EOs you can purify them further via separatory funnel or centrifuge to eliminate base sediment and water. This makes it more pure but therapeutic?? LOL.

Something interesting about 5-10x orange extract. It is actually a more pure form of cold pressed orange essential oil. By additional distillations, the lighter elements that cause phototoxicity are mostly 'cooked off' making it safer for topical use sans possible adverse effects with citrus EOs. Random useless tidbit.

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