Well-Known Member
This is weird, and I don't know whether to attribute it to menopause or possibly having had Covid two or three years ago. (Can't remember which Christmas that was.) As I mentioned in a different post I haven't made soap in two years and I'm coming to the end of my stash. Recently, as in the last five or six months, I have noticed that scents that I once found delightful are now WAY too strong. I keep trying to put soaps in my shower and it'll be OK the first time I use it but then the entire bathroom reeks of the scent of that soap and I can't stand it and I have to put it back in the box in storage. This seems crazy to me because aren't scents supposed to fade over time? It's been two years! So I don't know if my nose has become more sensitive recently or what! But it's making me crazy and I just wondered if anybody else has had a similar experience. Has your nose become more sensitive since either entering menopause (I've been 'official' for three years now!) or having covid? A month or so ago I crazily could smell where other dogs had peed at the park while walking my own dog, even before he got to the spots and sniffed them out! That only happened the one day but 