Tattooed wedding rings. Yay vs Nay?

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Nope. I don't like tattoos where anyone can see them.

I do have DH's name on my back; where no one normally sees it.
Nay, I've got one, wish I didn't. For one thing you move your finger around so much it becomes very faded & blurry very fast.
IanT said:
Whatcha think???

Just wondering... :)

This is what I want to do, but there is no way my guy would go for it! Something thin, that I could cover with a wedding band if needed...
I say go for it. I thought about it as well as adding a crystal dermal anchor, but my piercer said it would snag too much on stuff. are you thinking about a solid band or some type of pattern/filigree look?
A friend of mine and her fiance plan on getting them since she hates wearing rings. I say whatever floats your boat. Personally, even though I love tattoos and have one and am in the process of setting up an appointment to get another, I wouldn't want a ring tattoo.
lol yeahhhh my MOM just got one lol..

I was thinking its a cool idea, cause me as a bodyworker, I cannot wear rings really at all... so Id want to still wear it, but maybe the tatt idea is better, and then when I have to take the real one off (cause I do want a real ring for both my girl and I), then the tatt one would be under it...

I dont care if people make fun of me lol... Id give them a real-wedding-ring welt from my backhand connecting with their forehead lol

I dont know what kind I would get though, Id have to look into it, I like the celtic knotwork, but Id also like to draw something meaningful...

My moms is kinda cool, its got a crazy design and a sun/moon because her and her soon to be hubby (theyve been common law now for a while anyway.. I think theyve been together/lived together for like 13 years at least) .... her and her dude are both born on exact opposite sides of the zodiac wheel, kinda cool... so they did the tattoo on the equinox (I think this past month, though I dont remember which equinox it was...) and theyre doing the ceremony during the next equinox... kinda cool :)
Nay,When I was a kid and in love for the first time and believed that this love would last forever then I would have thought it to be a good idea. Now I am older but no wiser, and have been through the wringer a few times, I would think a tatoo of a wedding band to be the same as a having a girls name on my chest. If you do not live happily ever after then your new girl may see that band on your finger as a reminder of a time when you were totally devoted to another. (But then you and I have no idea how women think)
Steve :D
Ian, that's an awesome story about your mom! Are they having a traditional wedding or something like a handfasting?
Chay said:
Ian, that's an awesome story about your mom! Are they having a traditional wedding or something like a handfasting?

Yeah!!! Theyre going to have a hand fastening.. kinda cool huh?!? I have never seen one except in Braveheart, I think its awesome though... I really want to do something like that too (in addition to a catholic style wedding cause thats what my girl wants :) )

My mom wrote this down as an explanation of her rings:

Vernal Equinox 2010.…..Wedding Ring Tattoos

Our tattoo rings speak of “ everlasting “. Everlasting in a very intimate way….Our promise is part of us, our living bodies, and our lives. Its design vibrates that which we know about us…..we are in a perfect harmony….we are attuned in a way that fosters our unique balance in this life… our individual balance …we bring great joy to each other.

This day and the symbolism of our rings will represent our point of spiritual origin. Our unity will continue to bring many blessings to eachother and the people that we love…

The vernal equinox represents the beginning of spring… A new beginning of what is to come. The promise of new growth and renewal, a progression of that which is natural. The day of the equinox is in a perfect state of balance…equal darkness and equal light. Their duality…and existence is essential to the other….. and eternal.

We chose this day of the vernal equinox to mirror our astrological duality….our birthdays are exactly opposite each other’s on the zodiac wheel…to the day…September the 4th and March the 4th…..6 months apart…an equal amount of time before and after….6 constellations before, and 6 after. This symmetry reminds us of the importance of seeking a sense of balance with each other, the ones we love and our life experiences.

On this day…the vernal equinox of 2010... we have made a promise to each other…that 6 months from this date…on the day of the Autumn equinox…… we will join as one, in an ancient Celtic Wedding ceremony ( hand fasting), to celebrate our love for one another and our continued journey together through this lifetime.

cooool :)


Yeah I tooooooooooooooooootally understand that... (well except for the understanding women part lol ;) ) I dont know, I feel like yeah, it could go horribly wrong (as anything in life could) But since I am a product of divorced/remarried parents, Its given me a real aversion to get married until Im 1000% sure that thats the person I will be with for life.... So I like to think that who I am with, will be a forever-relationship... But I do realize things happen, that one may have no control over.... sucks to think about that.

I like to think that the woman Im with now is the one for me... so hoping its everlasting and not going to end... we are 5.5 years down the line of a relationship in which we are still growing and learning about each other every day.... but who knows what the scrolls have written .... :)

I strive for happiness :)
IanT said:
Yeah I tooooooooooooooooootally understand that... (well except for the understanding women part lol ;) ) I dont know, I feel like yeah, it could go horribly wrong (as anything in life could) But since I am a product of divorced/remarried parents, Its given me a real aversion to get married until Im 1000% sure that thats the person I will be with for life.... So I like to think that who I am with, will be a forever-relationship... But I do realize things happen, that one may have no control over.... sucks to think about that.

I like to think that the woman Im with now is the one for me... so hoping its everlasting and not going to end... we are 5.5 years down the line of a relationship in which we are still growing and learning about each other every day.... but who knows what the scrolls have written .... :)

I strive for happiness :)
Ian, you and your lady can have a handfasting ceremony as a declaration of your love for each other without it being state sanctioned. I have a fantastic book you might enjoy called "Handfasting and Wedding Rituals" by Raven Kaldera and Tannin Schwartzstein.
Chay said:
IanT said:
Yeah I tooooooooooooooooootally understand that... (well except for the understanding women part lol ;) ) I dont know, I feel like yeah, it could go horribly wrong (as anything in life could) But since I am a product of divorced/remarried parents, Its given me a real aversion to get married until Im 1000% sure that thats the person I will be with for life.... So I like to think that who I am with, will be a forever-relationship... But I do realize things happen, that one may have no control over.... sucks to think about that.

I like to think that the woman Im with now is the one for me... so hoping its everlasting and not going to end... we are 5.5 years down the line of a relationship in which we are still growing and learning about each other every day.... but who knows what the scrolls have written .... :)

I strive for happiness :)
Ian, you and your lady can have a handfasting ceremony as a declaration of your love for each other without it being state sanctioned. I have a fantastic book you might enjoy called "Handfasting and Wedding Rituals" by Raven Kaldera and Tannin Schwartzstein.

Im going to need to look that up!!!! thanks!! :)

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