Soap Staying Hot

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Feb 1, 2022
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Arizona, USA
My husband made me a nice big, double wide mold 🥰. Using my normal tried and true recipe, I tested it yesterday. I CPOP'd it. The soap looks fine and feels firm enough to unmold, but it is still hot. I usually can unmold by now. But I am guessing it is hot due to the extra mass of the double wide mold. So is unmolding dependent on the firmness of the soap, the time lapse, or the temperature? I am very happy with my recipe but have never made this large a batch before.
It is the kind of hot that you would like to put it in your bed to warm your feet on a really cold night. Not scorching hot. Maybe I should let it cool down before unmolding.
Maybe I should let it cool down before unmolding.
That's what I do... obviously in the minority here... i practice patience at every opportunity when it comes to letting the soap do its own thing... "Patience" is the first rule of Soapmaking... "Don't Panic" is the second rule, just in case anyone is wondering about that... 😉 ...there's a third one but I can't remember it at the moment... 🤔
Okay soapers, pictures to come soon. Kinda embarrassed that I'm still making plain, one color soap after 16 months of soapmaking. However, I am happy and confident of my good plain soaps. I did one swirl and some layers early on, but my recipe (palm-free, vegan) was not where I wanted it--too drying, too expensive, too accelerating, etc. So I concentrated on the best soap to my mind, and it took a long time. I tested and experimented forever because I wanted to understand what the different oils and fatty acids would do. Swirls are on my mind these days. So they will be mastered next. LOL!
Kinda embarrassed that I'm still making plain, one color soap after 16 months of soapmaking.
Ohfawgoodnesssakes! You have NOTHING to be embarrassed about!
However, I am happy and confident of my good plain soaps.
As well you should be! To my eye, there's nothing prettier or more alluring than my plain white bar of ZNSC greeting me from its soap dish at my sink every morning and when I get ready for bed every night. The same is true with whatever "Plain Jane" I have waiting for me at the bathtub when I'm ready to enjoy a nice bath. I swear, I see myself in a "Take Me Away" Calgon ad as I lather up with a bath pouf and linger in the decadent pleasure of a beautifully scented soap caressing me all over my body!
That's what I do... obviously in the minority here... i practice patience at every opportunity when it comes to letting the soap do its own thing... "Patience" is the first rule of Soapmaking... "Don't Panic" is the second rule, just in case anyone is wondering about that... 😉 ...there's a third one but I can't remember it at the moment... 🤔
1. Patience is not something I possess very much of - although getting better at it as i get older
2. Don't panic - hard to adhere to that rule when you're panicking
3. I believe the third rule is don't forget anything, he he
@Zany_in_CO and @KiwiMoose, Patience? What is that? Never heard of it. Ha Ha!

OK, here are some of my "Plain Janes" but I dress them up and give them cute names. Nobody has asked: Where are the swirls and embeds and high peaks? LOL!

Plain Jane 1.jpg

Plain Jane 2.jpg
@Zany_in_CO and @KiwiMoose, Patience? What is that? Never heard of it. Ha Ha!
Smack Laugh.gif

OK, here are some of my "Plain Janes" but I dress them up and give them cute names. Nobody has asked: Where are the swirls and embeds and high peaks? LOL!
Well done!
10 10 10.gif

I love the colors, the names, the labels, the variety of fonts, the coordinated colors of the labels -- I'll bet the soap is great too! Keep up the good work! Seriously!
Looking at your photos now, clearly you have A LOT to be embarrassed about, frankly.

Just kidding! Seriously, tho', I'm with @Zany_in_CO . WHAT ARE YOU TALKIN' ABOUT "embarrassed" and "plain"??!! If we had a monthly challenge on labels, you'd win hands down. I think one-colored soap is elegantly simple or simply elegant -- plus less dishes. Really truly stunning work there.
By the way, I found a big bag of reels of florist's ribbon in Goodwill (charity shop). My lucky day! I will never have to buy ribbon again. I wrap a band of ribbon around the soap and use transparent labels from Once you buy something from them you get a code to use their Maestro program, access to fancy fonts and templates.