Soap Balls for Embeds?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2011
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I know this is probably a very simple thing to do, maybe it involves a mold, but I can't figure it out. I wanted to try to do some CP balls to embed a loaf or two, and I know I've seen many of you do this in the past. Lynnz soaps come to mind, especially. But I have no idea how y'all make the balls look so nice and smooth and perfect. I found a thread with a link to a tutorial on FuturePrimitive's blog, but the link is dead now. I've made soap balls from handmilling, but they never have that smooth look I want and I figure they'd probably crack if I tried to embed and slice them. How do you do it? Do you use a mold? If not, at what stage of the soapmaking process do you make the balls?
Amy - That's exactly the mold I was thinking of using not only for CP balls but for eyeballs for Halloween, too. But then I started looking at some soaps online (Tiggy's from FuturePrimitive - OMG), and there's got to be another way of doing the CP ball embeds. Some of these soaps have layers in them that are perfectly coordinated with the embedded balls, which leads me to believe the balls were made from the same batch as the layers. But if that's the case, I can't figure out the timing of pouring the layer, molding the balls, mixing/pouring the second/third layers, and embedding. It's all beyond me. LOL If someone explained the process, I think I could do it, but I can't figure out the process on my own!
I was just thinking about this last week but never got around to trying it. I didn't want to handmill either.
My idea was to try using something like a melon ball scoop once the cp has set up but before it gels. You could also roll the balls in things like cocoa while they are soft to get a secondary color. Or you could dip cp balls in coloured MP to get an outside layer.
I'm going to experiment with this some day. It will be interesting to see the suggestions.
I wanted to do a 5lb batch, use dividers in my log mold for the different colors and just use that batch to make garnishes for future batches.
Right now, this is what I'm trying. I'm embedding a small cylindrical loaf into a larger rectangular loaf. I made the cylinder loaf last night, unmolded this morning. I cut off a chunk from the end and am molding the still soft soap into balls by hand. They're not as smooth as I'd like, but they're a lot smoother than handmilled balls would be. I may try to rinse them in water to smooth them out a little more before putting them into the new soap later.
Round balls are pretty trendy in soap ATM...It looks great.
I'd like to think a melon baller would work.
Haven't tried yet as I'm more of a natural chunky looking soap girl.
Let us know how u get on & post some pics. I'd love to see how it worked for u.
I had a bunch of scraps from neatening up my almost failed soap. They were still really soft, so now I have enough soap balls for my next batch.... it was much easier to make them into balls than meatballs. My poor meatballs always look terrible LOL
nattynoo said:
Round balls are pretty trendy in soap ATM...It looks great.
I'd like to think a melon baller would work.
Haven't tried yet as I'm more of a natural chunky looking soap girl.
Let us know how u get on & post some pics. I'd love to see how it worked for u.

I was thinking melon baller too, or 1oz ice cream scoop. :)
I just made these yesterday. I used a meat baller. I didn't let my soap gel, so I used gloves and rolled them into balls. They're not perfect, but I'll see how well they look in my soap.
Probably a little late here but yes I hand roll. Make a small batch in the evening and the next morning I just pull bits off the squares and hand roll with gloves on :0) takes a bit of time but worth it I think I bought the mold from bramble berry thinking I would save some time but for the life of me I couldn't get them to fill without oozing out so they went westward and the gloves came back out :0)
Your pic looks great cannot wait to see all the balls LOL I have done a few now and have gone for a fruity theme I call them my fruity balls :0)
Well, I cut it this morning and am pretty pleased. I'll definitely do this again. These bars are scented with Southern Garden's Sunwashed Linen, and I was going for something that would remind me of the sunrise on a summer day. I think they turned out pretty well.

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Lyn said:
Probably a little late here but yes I hand roll. Make a small batch in the evening and the next morning I just pull bits off the squares and hand roll with gloves on :0) takes a bit of time but worth it I think I bought the mold from bramble berry thinking I would save some time but for the life of me I couldn't get them to fill without oozing out so they went westward and the gloves came back out :0)
Your pic looks great cannot wait to see all the balls LOL I have done a few now and have gone for a fruity theme I call them my fruity balls :0)

i hand roll too. usually make some extra of my colors to pour into small separate molds when i soap in the evening, and in the morning make balls of it. i now have so many balls i need to figure out new storage :0)
That turned out amazing!

I'm still waiting to unmold, I didn't gel and I think I need to line even the silicone molds when I don't. I can unmold at 8 hours if I gel, but non-gelled takes for-flippin-ever!
AmyW said:
I'm still waiting to unmold, I didn't gel and I think I need to line even the silicone molds when I don't. I can unmold at 8 hours if I gel, but non-gelled takes for-flippin-ever!

I can't wait to see the others. Hope you can unmold soon! I prefer to keep my soap from gelling, but I am so ridiculously impatient and sometimes force a gel just so I can unmold sooner.