Shipping Costs

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
Reaction score
Hello, I am sure this has been discussed but I was not finding a straight answer, so just looking for some friendly guidance :wave:

I am working on my website and it has an app to let me set up the cost and shipping in the cart. Flat rate per USPS site is $5.60. Is that too much for a $5.00 bar? There is a local soap maker that I met at a farmers market so I checked out their site. To ship a bar that is priced at $3.00, it was going to cost $10.00 to ship it to me and I am no more than 40 minutes from them. That seemed really high to me. I was going to do if someone orders $25.00 then they get free shipping.
You can ship one bar usually (if not two) using first class mail, which should keep you under that $5.60. The small USPS flat rate boxes can probably fit 3-4 bars. Medium flat rates I think are around $10-11, which you can fit a bunch into. $5/bar is too high for shipping IMO. Poke around on Etsy at other soap shops and see what they charge. If you're well outside that, you can bet customers will notice.
I don't know if this might help: I'm in SA and our postage is by weight. So what I do is first five kilograms is R15 And every kg thereafter is R5. I don't know if that might help? I know it does help me get bigger orders

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$10 shipping on a $3 bar?! Sounds like your friend (?) doesn't want online sales! LOL!! BTW, I was able to easily ship 5 bars in the small usps priority box, for what that's worth.
By using the real rates you are going to encourage larger sales. I refuse to buy my business by subsidizing the shipping costs. They are not costs I am profiting from so why make them stupid low? My average on-line sale is $50 with many over $100. I don't want the sales that are just one bar of soap or one item, I'll leave that to those who are that desperate for sales. Simple....