Scented Laundry Soap

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2013
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Do any of you make scented laundry soap? I would assume you make a scented laundry bar for this. Do you scent it stronger that body soap?
Depending what's in the dryer at the time (whether it's just my clothes, or the whole family's clothes) I will put a drop or two of my favorite scent onto a dryer sheet and dry my clothes with that.
It gives a very subtle hint of the scent and last longer than sprays or perfumes, and washes out in the next wash.

I don't make my own laundry soap. This is one area I feel commercial detergents are better - for my needs anyway.
I am making a 50% lard, 50% coconut soap with 3% lye discount as my laundry soap base. I do CPOP -- pour the batter into a mold at medium trace and heat it in the oven at 170 degrees for about 1 hour. So far, this has worked well for me. I do not scent the soap at all when I make it.

I use my food processor to grate the soap one or two days after its made. To the grated soap, I add equal amounts by weight of washing soda, baking soda, and borax. Working in batches, I process the mix until the soap is a fine powder. I found out the hard way that I can't make soap powder just on its own -- the added powders keep the soap cooler and drier while I process it. I end up with a dry laundry soap mix that is very white and has a mild "soap" smell.

Although the basic mix smells fine to me, I have been adding a tiny tish of EOs to the dry mix while the food processor is running. I don't care for a lot of scent -- maybe 10 drops per 1000 grams of finished mix. The scent does not carry over into the clean laundry; I really want just enough to give the soap mix a pleasant whiff of scent when I open its container. I used rosemary-lavender in my first batch and lemon-sweet orange in the second.

If you wanted to scent the laundry, I think I would take jcandleattic's advice. Why scent the laundry water -- most of it is going to go down the drain? Makes a lot of sense to put the scent in the dryer.

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I don't scent our laundry soap either. I use wool dryer balls in our dryer that I've added just a bit of eo to.
As always, you all are great! Thank you. I have been using the laundry soap I made and it is unscented. Just looking at different ways to do things!