Salt water

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I haven't, but I have seen people mention using ocean water in their soaps, and people make salt bars...I believe I read in the Soap Maker's Companion that you can too. Sorry, I'm not giving a direct answer, am I?
Why not? You can purchase it as well, so you don't have to deal with any yuckies from your local shores.
Too much salt can depress the lather. However, coconut oil doesn't seem as affected by salt so you might want to up your % in your recipe to compensate, as well as your superfat.

People who make salt bars (50-100% salt as % of oil weight, added to base recipe), typically use 80-100% CO and a 20% SF.
I substitute salt water into one of my recipes without increasing sf and it's one of my favourite bars. Lovely and conditioning on my skin. I use 35% lard, 20% coconut oil, 40% olive oil and 5% castor oil with 1tsppo spirulina powder and rosemary eo. Lathers nicely too.
Stupid newb question, but what's 'SF?'

Also, is there anything that should be done to the salt water before it's used? My best friend got married in NC and I snagged up some Ocean water while there. I thought it would be a nice gesture to gift them some soap made from that water for their anniversary.
I live in a tourist area and make soaps from 3 of the local beaches using the different sands and salt water from each place, shells from one, seaweed from another and vegetation from the third. My all time favorite bar is from my closest beach, very very fine black sand, seaweed and saltwater. It's such a smooth, luxurious conditioning bar! Go ahead, people will love it!
SF = Super Fat :smile:

Stupid newb question, but what's 'SF?'

Also, is there anything that should be done to the salt water before it's used? My best friend got married in NC and I snagged up some Ocean water while there. I thought it would be a nice gesture to gift them some soap made from that water for their anniversary.
I substitute salt water into one of my recipes without increasing sf and it's one of my favourite bars. Lovely and conditioning on my skin. I use 35% lard, 20% coconut oil, 40% olive oil and 5% castor oil with 1tsppo spirulina powder and rosemary eo. Lathers nicely too.

Sorry, should have explained that better: I don't increase super fat any more than my normal level, which is 5-7%.:p