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Jul 25, 2013
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I knit, I crochet, I sew, I cook, I try not to clean. My husband is always trying something new. One year it was quilting(started a crazy quilt), one year it was cross stitch and last summer it was soap and over the past winter it was straight razor shaving. It always ends up the same way, he loses interest.

I decided yesterday to revive the soap making. We have all the ingredients except for those that will scent your soap. He spent too much money and only made one batch lol. I think I might like soap making but I am a little frightened of the lye. I like formulas though and while I am a stay at home mom i was classically trained as a baker. I like precision. I know soap requires that. I also like making money and craft shows are somewhat of a dream of mine. I am thinking soap might be good for me :) so hello
Hi, welcome to the forum. I too was afraid of the lye, I researched for about 3 weeks before I made the first batch of soap. Just respect the lye and wear proper safety equipment when you make soap..
welcome to the forum! here's a site that I've been using for years...lots of info & inspirational ideas

do you have any soap making books? working with lye sounds scarier than it really is...just keep a bottle of vinegar around...vinegar neutralizes lye if you get some on yourself...I cover my counter with newspaper & mix my lye in the sink & let it cool there.

happy soaping!
Welcome, I'm sure you'll be able to use up all your soap ingredients without any trouble, just check that your oils are not out of date.
Hi, welcome to the forum. I too was afraid of the lye, I researched for about 3 weeks before I made the first batch of soap. Just respect the lye and wear proper safety equipment when you make soap..

I researched for 6 months without making soap.:shock:
Welcome, I'm sure you'll be able to use up all your soap ingredients without any trouble, just check that your oils are not out of date.

I didnt know that the date mattered much with soap making! This is so good to know. I had some out of date olive oil i was telling my husband to use. Its a good thing we didn't!
Respect the lye...don't fear it! I read up for 4-6 months before I attempted anything! My first batch I read and reread the addition I also made a flowchart sort of thingy..(condensed directions). I made sure I had on my gloves/glasses...went into the garage...even had my husband come with me ( I guess I was thinking I was going to be a chemistry experiment gone bad). I stood wayyyyy away from the mixture. I wasn't injured! Now, I am becoming accustomed to the process, however I am always cautious. My biggest fear is that I am going to trip with the thing bringing it in from the garage ( where I mix). ALSO...MY biggest mistake...touching my safety googles on the side of my face (near my temple) with my gloves on....
It is a chemical. When you put bleach in your wash, if you put your face over the washing machine it will cause problems. If you have ever used paint stripper, this can be problematic as well. Don't let the fear of working with lye discourage you! Safety first!!! I can't imagine people used to clean with this stuff in the 50's.
I was so scared of the lye when I made my first batch I was nauseated! I still respect the lye but having gotten a little on my arm without disastrous consequences has helped a lot.