Question - when to unmold ungelled soap?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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US Southwest
I normally gel my soaps but this time I didn't. I made a special soap for my husband with OO cold infused with cedar, pine, and rosemary needles to which I added an EO blend of black spruce, 5x lemon, vetiver, black pepper, and a hint of galbanum. To preserve the scent and to keep the soap from going dark brown (the beautiful green oil goes brown as soon as the lye hits it), I opted not to gel and popped it in the fridge. I also swirled with black oxide. On the surface it looks pretty nice.

To get to the point, normally I gel and unmold the next day when the soap is completely cool. I made this soap yesterday at around 8-9 and I have to get on a plane in a few hours. I won't be back until Sunday night. If I let it sit until then before unmolding and cutting, will it be OK? I use a wire cutter.

Recipe was 50% OO, 15% CO, 15% PKO, 10% new Crisco (soy and palm), 10% cocoa butter, 10% superfat, 32% lye concentration, in a WSP 8 inch silicone mold. INS 149. I made it higher in cleansing and hardness than I usually do because he's a man and he likes it that way. ;-)

The soap has been out of the frig for four hours is quite firm to the touch.

Thanks, this is a totally lame question but I'm off my normal soaping routine.
I don't gel and prefer not to. I put my soap in the fridge or the freezer. As soon as the soap is hard enough I unmold. I wait til the soap is at room temp, then I cut.
I almost never gel. I pre-chill my molds in the fridge. After I pour I put them right back in the fridge for 48 hours. They usually come right out of the mold.
I then let them get to room temp and then cut. Otherwise you can get drag marks from the cut.
I don't gell but I haven't found it necessary to chill the soap unless it starts getting hot but if very hot I usually give in and gell it if it's that determined to go that way.

I don't like to get in a big hurry to unold soap that seems soft and hasn't started to pull itself away from the freezer paper. I've found that unmolding too early can cause some ash on all four sides of the bars.