Question about Fragrances Morphing in Water

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May 2, 2010
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Hello there!

Has anyone else had fragrance oils morph once they come in contact with water? Sadly they're usually yummy scents like Caramel, Vanilla or Mocha. They smell delicious in the bottle, and delicious in the final product (body scrubs or M&P soap, not CP), but once I use the product in water the yummy fragrance morphs into this generic sickly sweet smell.

Does anyone know what causes this?

Thanks so much for your advice & Happy Sudsing!

CaliforniaSuds :)
I know this is an old thread, but does anyone know if there's a solution for this? I've asked my oil suppliers about it and also posted elsewhere on this site, and it seems like no one has ever heard of this happening. I'm starting to feel like a crazy person! I am mixing FOs into a regular, pre-mixed pet spritz base and it seems like even the slightest amount of vanilla just turns the fragrance nasty when sprayed. The only vanillas that seem to work are ones that also have a brown sugar element to them. I can use a Vanilla Bean Noel-type with something like 10% vanilla and it stays relatively true when sprayed, but then I did a floral with .5% vanilla and the scent morphed into something weird. I'm really at my wit's end with this phenomenon! (Just today I tested a new Cherry Blossom with 1% vanilla, and sure enough, my hands are now completely coated in a yucky smell that won't come off. Blech!)
this might sound rude, but i promise it isnt being said that way. :)

could it possibly be you? what i mean is that for some people their chemistry just does not work well with certain scents and so they start to stink once they are one the person. i can not wear rose scents. no matter what the supplier, i have never found a rose i can wear. they all stink on me, they morph into this weird plasticy yucky smell.
maybe that is what is happening with you? do the scents morph on other people or is it only you who says that? maybe do a "blind" test with other people and ask them about the smell but not mention you are having issues with it?
Thanks Krissy! That's not rude at all, LOL. I know what you mean - my first assumption was that it was a reaction with my dog's chemistry, so I was totally surprised when I got the same morphing result when I sprayed it on linens. I've since experimented with every possible combination of bases and FO's, metal bottle, plastic bottle, no bottle... phew. My kids can smell the same weird smell that I do, but my next experiment will be to give samples to my groomer and see if she detects anything "off". I'm really frustrated, I'm thiiis far from giving up altogether and making something like pet shampoo instead. :(

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