Hey all..
Me and the kids are trapped in a very bad storm right now...
Im close to the Sierras.. the wind is reaching almost 100mph here includes rain.. the wind sounds like thunder.. and a very bad ghost that wont go away..
Power is on and off at this point. The kids school was shut down, and I called in to work.. although all my officers were called in for emergencies..
The roads were blocked with trees this morning, and street lights were out. Im just concerned about this creek I live by, for potential floodings.. so its ok.. they are watching it, but concerned about flooding.
if it floods.. me and the kids will have to evacuate. I look outside my window.. and thats the creek.. thats how close we are to it..
We are ok so far.. but pray for us. My kids dont seem to be shaken up.. just when the lights flicker. The phones are not that great, but works for right now, and the internet seems to be doing ok.. I have wireless..
Here is where you can reach about it. Im right in the middle of it.
http://www.weather.com/newscenter/storm ... enter_news
We made it through ok. The creek is going to be fine. We lost power for a while, and then the phone lines were down for a few hours.. but I still had my cell phone. Alot of damage outside to our trees, and alot of wires on the ground... the complex told us to stay indoors if we can until SMUD can come out and get the wires.. cause they are dangerously on the ground.
My brother in San Francisco, his car windows exploded out of his car due to the high wind. My mother lost her backyard fences and a tree nearly missed her neighboors house. I kept checking on my grandmother (81 yrs old) She was fine.
I know we are suppose to have more coming, I hope not like that.. That was a bit much for me. I live in California for a reason.
1. No Hurricanes
2. No Tornandos
3. No SNOW!
Dang, I swear that was a hurricane..
Can anyone say "G L O B A L W A R M I N G" our poor earth... *sigh*
Thanks everyone for the prayers!
Me and the kids are trapped in a very bad storm right now...
Im close to the Sierras.. the wind is reaching almost 100mph here includes rain.. the wind sounds like thunder.. and a very bad ghost that wont go away..
Power is on and off at this point. The kids school was shut down, and I called in to work.. although all my officers were called in for emergencies..
The roads were blocked with trees this morning, and street lights were out. Im just concerned about this creek I live by, for potential floodings.. so its ok.. they are watching it, but concerned about flooding.
if it floods.. me and the kids will have to evacuate. I look outside my window.. and thats the creek.. thats how close we are to it..
We are ok so far.. but pray for us. My kids dont seem to be shaken up.. just when the lights flicker. The phones are not that great, but works for right now, and the internet seems to be doing ok.. I have wireless..
Here is where you can reach about it. Im right in the middle of it.
http://www.weather.com/newscenter/storm ... enter_news
We made it through ok. The creek is going to be fine. We lost power for a while, and then the phone lines were down for a few hours.. but I still had my cell phone. Alot of damage outside to our trees, and alot of wires on the ground... the complex told us to stay indoors if we can until SMUD can come out and get the wires.. cause they are dangerously on the ground.
My brother in San Francisco, his car windows exploded out of his car due to the high wind. My mother lost her backyard fences and a tree nearly missed her neighboors house. I kept checking on my grandmother (81 yrs old) She was fine.
I know we are suppose to have more coming, I hope not like that.. That was a bit much for me. I live in California for a reason.
1. No Hurricanes
2. No Tornandos
3. No SNOW!
Dang, I swear that was a hurricane..
Can anyone say "G L O B A L W A R M I N G" our poor earth... *sigh*
Thanks everyone for the prayers!