Piped Rose Buttermilk Cake

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Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
Northern CA
I have been piping roses for two years so, on and off. Though I am not 100% happy with these roses, I shipped them out yesterday to Bramble Berry for Spring Soap Swap.

To use these 12 roses on the cake, I piped 150 roses(about 15 batches) :(. Hopefully, I'd get better with more practice.




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Wow I love these...so pretty! Piping is on my to-do list so yes ... definitely something to aspire to.
Oh wow, absolutely stunning job you did of those. :clap: They were worth how ever much time they took to make. Very talented!
Now you've done it... I've been craving cake. The bf and I are about to go grocery shopping at walmart. I'm totally going to be looking at those tiny 1/8 sheet cakes now..
What??? They're perfect! Seriously gorgeous!

Thank you Kaliquen!

Oh wow, absolutely stunning job you did of those. :clap: They were worth how ever much time they took to make. Very talented!

Thank you for your kind words DB!

Now you've done it... I've been craving cake. The bf and I are about to go grocery shopping at walmart. I'm totally going to be looking at those tiny 1/8 sheet cakes now..

I cannot wait to see how your cake turns out :)!
Well, I bought a cake hahaha. And its HUGE. They were all out of the tiny ones, but I found a larger one that was 1/2 off so the same price as the little ones and I went for it. I've already eaten a tiny piece, and already feel sick from the sugar... haha. Hopefully I get lots of help eating this!
Well, I bought a cake hahaha. And its HUGE. They were all out of the tiny ones, but I found a larger one that was 1/2 off so the same price as the little ones and I went for it. I've already eaten a tiny piece, and already feel sick from the sugar... haha. Hopefully I get lots of help eating this!

Too funny, Lin :)!
amazing! those roses are perfection, and i love the blue against white. i would be very happy to have one of those :)