Pine tar soap for psoriasis?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
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I have this and does it ever flair up sometimes. I don't know why. It's not cold, dry weather right now, that's for certain. My doctor suggested pine tar and I think I did see it at a vitamin shop one time.

Anyone know where to get it? I never looked at a drug store but I suppose I should.
A tack shop is definitely a good place to look, although I don't think many people use it straight up these days. It's painted onto horse's hooves to help keep the horn supple and prevent cracking. You could also try looking for 'pine resin' which is the same thing.
You can get it on Amazon too. There is one brand that soapers prefer but I can't remember which. If you read the reviews it will be obvious.

Also if you search for pine tar soap on this forum, you will come up with 20-30 threads. I made pine tar soap a few months ago and got most of my research results here. Try using pine tar at 15-20% of your recipe (it has a SAP value, check, soap as cool as you can, use full water and be prepared to work fast. I got mine into the mold before it solidified in the pot but it still overheated a bit so I ended up rebatching.
Thanks. I did a little searching and then saw Grandpa's at a store (I think it's called) and got that. I just picked it up today and will start using it faithfully to see what happens. But not on my face. I still prefer my soaps for facial washing.
I buy my pine tar from a farm supply store... I use it at 10% total oils and it works a treat on a multitude of skin conditions. I made up a 20 bar batch and was sold out in 2 weeks and that was with only one show :shock: I have one guy in town who buys them 10 bars at a time. So I need to make more up today....

If you have skin conditions then I really recommend using this ingredient.....

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