pigment accelerators ????

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Active Member
Nov 26, 2011
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North Carolina
It seems that Titanium Dioxide accelerates trace. Any input would be much appreciated. How much TD should be used if used at all for a 5 pound batch ? Thx in advance.
I primarily make HP, but have never noticed TD accelerating trace. I use a maximum of 1 tsp PPO, and I sift it through a fine mesh strainer into my warm oils and stick blend it briefly right before adding the lye water. Nice even coloring, no spots.
If you use a large amount of any powders in cp it will thicken up the batter. Which makes sense, just like if you add too much flour when making gravy.

I use 1/4 tsp - 1/2 tsp ppo, but I use light oils. I'd start at 1/2 tsp ppo and go from there. Just keep in mind that if you use too much, it can make your soap chalky and crumbly.
I've never had TD accelerate trace on me. I use it @ 1 tsp. ppo. My finished bars start feeling chalky if I use much more than that.

IrishLass :)