PH - testing

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Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2010
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south east texas
Hello all, I am new to soap making.. if ph is high does that mean lye is high? I cooked a batch of soap to no zap.. and ph is at 10 .. soo am I doing something wrong or is it fine ? receipt said it should be 7 ..
ph in soap

Dear Cwarren,
Are you sure your test was exact? Soap is considered to be neutral at a Ph of 9.5. If you are still worried, you could use phenophthalein, by putting a drop on your soap. If it turns pink, it is too alkaline.
Re: ph in soap

Mackie said:
Dear Cwarren,
Are you sure your test was exact? Soap is considered to be neutral at a Ph of 9.5. If you are still worried, you could use phenophthalein, by putting a drop on your soap. If it turns pink, it is too alkaline.

I have phenoghthalein, but it does not change to clear until you have a ph of 7 ... so I bought strips. thats where I got 10.. am I calculating wrong ? with lye ? ((( on lye calc - safe is 7 8 9 which should I use to have lower ph ? ))) HELP PLEASE .. my cp soap is at 10 too
ok this is what I'm doing 12oz olive , 10 oz coconut, 10oz lard, -- on lye calc how do I know what level to use 6 7 8 9 .. they all call for different lye amounts.. I'm confused..
ph in soap

Dear Cwarren,
from your recipe, it would seem you need 12.16oz of Water & 4.626oz Lye.
Are you using a digital scale? The type of lye I use is 99% pure and it comes in a 25kg bag, so I would probably reduce the lye amount to 4oz, but that is purely your own decision. Make sure you double check your weights.
Re: ph in soap

yes, I have a digital scale. I used 12 oz water and 4.6 lye .. soap 3 wks old and is at 10.5 ph level .. do you think it's on the right track ? what I was asking is on lye calc... 6 % 7% 8% how do I know which to choose.. not understanding.. Thanks sooo much
ph in soap

Dear Cwarren,
Not quite sure what you meant about the percentages? My preference would be to reduce the lye amount a little. The recipe looks good though. You didn't say whether you did CP or HP soap.
Re: ph in soap

Mackie said:
Dear Cwarren,
Not quite sure what you meant about the percentages? My preference would be to reduce the lye amount a little. The recipe looks good though. You didn't say whether you did CP or HP soap.
CP sorry % of excess fat .. how do you know which 1 ?
3 4.71
4 4.66
5 4.61
6 4.56
7 4.51
8 4.46
9 4.42
I usually use 5% superfat for my soaps and find that it gives them a nice balance of hardness and moisturizing
tespring said:
I read that CP soap starts out high right after it is done and it gets milder as it saponifies, so if you made the soap today, that is in the normal range for just being done according to this website: ... aking.aspx

tespring's right. According to WSP's FAQs, 8 to 10.5 is normal for soap. You have to have some alkalinity to cleanse the skin. This is why a lot of people use toners to quickly restore the normal acidity of their skin.
Re: ph in soap

cwarren said:
Mackie said:
Dear Cwarren,
Not quite sure what you meant about the percentages? My preference would be to reduce the lye amount a little. The recipe looks good though. You didn't say whether you did CP or HP soap.
CP sorry % of excess fat .. how do you know which 1 ?
3 4.71
4 4.66
5 4.61
6 4.56
7 4.51
8 4.46
9 4.42

you test test test! that is the only way that you will find a "perfect" to you number. i like a little higher than 5% but never 10% or more unless i am making a salt bar. it is all trial and testing. :D
Re: ph in soap

krissy said:
cwarren said:
Mackie said:
Dear Cwarren,
Not quite sure what you meant about the percentages? My preference would be to reduce the lye amount a little. The recipe looks good though. You didn't say whether you did CP or HP soap.
CP sorry % of excess fat .. how do you know which 1 ?
3 4.71
4 4.66
5 4.61
6 4.56
7 4.51
8 4.46
9 4.42

you test test test! that is the only way that you will find a "perfect" to you number. i like a little higher than 5% but never 10% or more unless i am making a salt bar. it is all trial and testing. :D
Thanks --- I'm using a sprinkle of seasalt too will that effect my ph level ?