Oily scrub base

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Aug 26, 2014
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I bought an oily scrub base and the oils float to the top leaving me afraid to ship this in my product line. Is there any way I can add emulsifying was or stearic acid to fix this and how? Thank you!
I would try a small batch first. You might want to use cetearyl alcohol and emulsifying wax. Melt the e-wax and cetearyl alcohol, add to the scrub base and mix well. If your e-wax and cetearyl alcohol seem a little stiff upon melting, you can heat it with a little oil. If you try it on a small batch you won't lose much if it doesn't work. Here is a sample recipe from Humblebee and Me, Check her percentage of cetearyl alcohol and emulsifying wax to get an idea of how much to use with your base.

Watermelon Mint Whipped Sugar Scrub

Heated Phase

9g | 9% Emulsifying Wax NF (USA / Canada / AU) or Polawax (USA / Canada)

18.25g | 18.25% fractionated coconut oil (USA / Canada)

10g | 10% watermelon seed oil

11g | 11% cetearyl alcohol (USA / Canada)

1g | 1% pink mica

Post-heat phase
49g | 49% white sugar (USA / Canada)

Cool down phase
0.25g | 0.25% Vitamin E MT-50 (USA / Canada)
0.2g | 0.2% peppermint essential oil (USA / Canada)
0.3g | 0.3% watermelon fragrance oil
1g | 1% poppy seeds

Prepare a water bath by bringing about 3cm/1″ of water to a bare simmer over low to medium-low heat in a wide, flat-bottomed sauté pan.

Weigh the heated phase ingredients into a medium-sized, deep, heat-resistant mixing bowl. Place the bowl in your prepared water bath to melt everything through.

Once the mixture has melted, remove it from the heat and stir in the sugar. Freeze the mixture in the bowl for five minutes, and then remove it promptly. Grab your electric mixer, and whip up the mixture for about 3 minutes, until it is fluffy and uniform.

Leave the scrub to fully cool to room temperature and then whip it again—I like to do the last whipping at room temperature to make sure it’ll stay nice and fluffy at room temperature. During this final whipping, you’ll weigh out the cooldown phase and whip that in as well.