Oh Indigo - I love you, but you are strange

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Despite it's ubiquitousness, I might have done better on my first search attempt if I had not accidentally left the "r" out of "crock pot" :oops:)

I just died laughing lol. I can only imagine what you found with that particular search.

Absolutely stunning soap btw! I have yet to use indigo, probably because I gave up on most natural colors as almost all seem to fade over time.

I know - strange, I am referring to an actual face to face discussion about soap :)
I think he said "a few hours on low" but I cant remember for sure regarding time and temp.

Thanks so much for this. A ghost swirl is on my list of things to try, but I am still vacillating on the fragrance and specific design. I do not sell and tend to be uber-selective about what I make as a result. I live a dirty life and wash often, but too much experimentation quickly results in an overabundance.:p

Maybe that is why it is so important to me that the soaps be pretty. If they are going to be openly displayed on a curing shelf for so long...they might as well be decorative.
If you just make sure it gels using your favorite method (insulation, heating pad, cpop etc..) it should be good. Just take care not to overheat.
Specific to ghost swirls - he really made his pattern pop by putting an already cut bar flat down in the crockpot for a bit. I had always thought that if you missed the gel window, you missed it.
I thought gel was specific to the saponification process too until DeeAnna clarified for me a while back that it is simply dependent on temperature, not the initial chemical reaction. Soap -- it never ceases to amaze, does it!

Despite it's ubiquitousness, I might have done better on my first search attempt if I had not accidentally left the "r" out of "crock pot" :oops:

Hilarious!!! Maybe just a simple Freudian slip on soap??
Hilarious!!! Maybe just a simple Freudian slip on soap??

I really wish my slips were limited to a seemingly innocuous internet search. At this point, I have a long list of embarrassing moments that cannot all be blamed on typos or language barriers. One (that's right...there are more) of my miscommunications was an attempt to be convivial with some Spanish speaking workers. I confidently said, "Tengo calor" to commiserate with them about the heat. Apparently the appropriate way to convey what I meant is "Hace calor", when referencing the weather. What I said can be translated literally to "I have heat" and is an idiomatic expression for "I am horny". I do not have to guess how the large group of guys interpreted my beaming grin and friendly attempt at communication:silent:.