My soapeth overfloweth

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Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2016
Reaction score
Birmingham AL
So I decided last night after some research and study to try my hand at some shave soap, I have converted over myself to the brush and bowl awhile back and have been using store bought puck soap. So I put my recipe on soap calc and start making, I pour into round puck like silicone mold, and I go back to the shop about an hour later to see all this oil on the top, all over the mold and running off on the counter, soap felt as it was getting hard. So what would cause the soap to "spit out" the oil? Probably not the best shave soap recipe but all I have...
Recipe below

Olive Oil - 40%
Coconut Oil (76) 40%
Caster O 10%
Avocado Oil 10%

60% KOH
40% NaOH
5% Superfat
Water as a % of oils 38%
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What temperatures were your lye water and oils when you mixed them? What was the room temperature when they were curing, and how were they insulated (if they were insulated)?
What temperatures were your lye water and oils when you mixed them? What was the room temperature when they were curing, and how were they insulated (if they were insulated)?

Ah, forgot to post that, Thanks

Lye 93
Oils 80
Room Temp? IDK maybe low 60 ish
non insulated